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Writing Network Adapters
A network adapter connects a Greenbot Server to a messaging network. Samples of network adapters are available at https://github.com/green-bot/greenbot-core/tree/master/server/network_adapters
There are two basic methods to writing network adapters:
- Write a embedded adapter that is attached to the greenbot server node image
- Write an adapter that runs in a different process, then connects to the socket.io adapater of Greenbot
The localtelnet adapter is a simple embedded adapter example. It starts a simple telnet server inside GreenBot, and allows a developer to connect using telnet for simple testing.
Telnet = require('telnet')
ShortUUID = require 'shortid'
The global events object allows the adapter to send and receive messages from greenbot-core. Messages are sent and received using the Events package of Node.
Pubsub = require('../pubsub')
events = Pubsub.pubsub
The network adapter has a telnet server to handle the inbound connection request from a telnet client. This code block will execute every time a new telnet connection arrives.
Telnet.createServer((client) ->
We have detected a new telnet session inbound. We need a unique name to register with the events so that we can catch the egress message.
egressEvent = 'telnet'
When a line arrives from the telnet client, this callback fires.
client.on 'data', (b) ->
msg = b.toString()
Inbound (or ingress) messages require a simple structure identifying the source of the message, the destination, the text that arrives and the name of the event handler. Once created, send it in to the core.
msg =
dst: process.env.DEV_ROOM_NAME or 'development::telnet'
src: 'telnet'
txt: b.toString()
egressEvent: egressEvent
events.emit 'ingress', msg
When a message comes from the core (egress), it will be show up in the egressEvent.
events.on egressEvent, (msg) ->
events.emit 'log', 'Local telnet egress' + msg.txt
client.write new Buffer msg.txt + "\n"
events.emit 'log', 'Telnet server listening'
).listen 3002
An alternative is to connect to the greenbot core using the socket.io connector. The socket.io connector listens on port GREENBOT_BOT_SERVER_PORT. Here's a browser-side example from greenbot-admin:
Start and connect to the socket.io connector to the far end.
socketUrl = Meteor.settings.public.GREENBOT_IO_URL console.log socketUrl connect = -> io.connect(socketUrl, { reconnection: true, reconnectionDelay: 1000, reconnectionDelayMax : 5000, reconnectionAttempts: Infinity })
@io = connect()
@io.on 'connect', -> console.log 'connected to server'
@io.on 'disconnect', ->
console.log 'disconnected from server'
window.setTimeout connect, 5000
Start the conversation by sending the keyword into the system.
When messages are received from greenbot, they will appear on the egress event name.
@io.on 'egress', (msg) ->
return if self.src isnt msg.dst
self.drawMessage 'their', msg.txt
When the conversation is complete, we will get the 'session:ended' event. Be aware that session:ended events may not be for your session!!!
@io.on 'session:ended', (sess) =>
return unless sess.src is @src
console.log sess
$('ul.tabs li').removeClass('disabled')
$('form input').prop('disabled', true)
self.logContainer.append("<p>Session has ended. You may start it over by pressing 'restart conversation' button.</p>")
disconnect: -> @io.disconnect() sendMsg: (txt) -> msg = dst: "development::#{ @handle }" src: @src txt: txt + '\n' @io.emit 'ingress', msg @drawMessage 'mine', msg.txt