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Thomas Howe edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 2 revisions

Both texters and bots can transfer from the current session to a new session. Here's the simple rules:

  • Texters can select a different bot by sending a '/keyword'. This will cause the current session to end, and then start a new conversation as if they sent 'keyword' into the same number.
  • Bots can also transfer the session using the same method. If a bot sends a '/keyword' back to the texter, it will be intercepted and a new session will be created.
  • Transfers and Keywords follow the exact same rules.
  • Multiple slashes are supported, so that if you are using a IM program like slack, you can issue a //keyword so that Slack does not intercept the command.

Texter Requests Transfer

As an example, imagine this:

  1. System is configured with two bots, each listening to 555-1212, one for keyword 'info', one for keyword 'chat'. The chat bot is attached to Slack.
  2. Texter sends an 'info' to 555-1212
  3. Conversation starts with bot. Bot tells him that he can talk to somebody live with a /chat command.
  4. Texter decides that he wants to speak with somebody, sends in a /chat
  5. Greenbot ends session with the info bot.
  6. Greenbot starts new session, as if texter sent in a 'chat' keyword
  7. Chat bot starts and connects to Slack.
  8. Disco!

Bot Requests Transfer

Bots can also request the transfer to occur:

  1. System is configured with two bots, each listening to 555-1212, one for keyword 'info', one for keyword 'chat'. The chat bot is attached to Slack.
  2. Texter sends an 'info' to 555-1212
  3. Conversation starts with bot.
  4. Bot decides that a human should be involved, sends in a /chat
  5. Greenbot ends session with the info bot.
  6. Greenbot starts new session, as if texter sent in a 'chat' keyword
  7. Chat bot starts and connects to Slack.
  8. Human picks up where bot left off.
  9. Disco!