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Setup and usage

George Petrakis edited this page May 23, 2024 · 10 revisions


A Docker instance installed on the selected working machine is needed in order to install and run this toolbox. From the official documentation Docker is described as an open platform for developing, shipping and running applications and it is possible to find documentaion on how setup Docker Engine at this link.

You can run it in any platform (e.g GNU/Linux, Windows, MacOS). The following installation process has been tested on Windows and Ubuntu 22.04 using Docker V26.1.2

Setup and Installation using Docker

The goal of this page is to instruct the users on how run the toolbox locally in order to process raw data and generate 3D Tiles dataset.

In order to move on, please clone the repository

git clone

Navigate in the cloned digital-twin-toolbox repository

cd ./digital-twin-toolbox

Copy the .env.sample and rename it to .env, this file include the default variable to initialize the application

cp .env.sample .env

Start the application with

docker compose up

After the docker containers are running is possible to access the client at: http://locahost:3000

Environment variables

The toolbox application allows to customize some environment variables by editing the .env file. Here below a list of available variables with description:

name description default
DEVELOPMENT if true enable the watch listener to rebuild the client and server on file changes false
NGINX_PORT editing this value changes the webapp url port. For example, if the default value 3000 is changed to 4000, the webapp is accessible using the following URL: http://localhost:4000 3000

For any issue during the installation process, please let us know opening a related issue.