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spatialGE STclust



This script performs clustering analysis on gene expression data using the spatialGE package. It performs the STClust function from SpatialGE. The outputting .RDS object is a STList object for use in downstream Spatial GE analysis / visualization.

Module Details

Input Files (info + type)

Info Type
input.RDS Required Optional

Output Files (info + type)

Info Type
spatialGE_STclustered.rds Required

Parameters (formatted as a Markdown table with name, description, default value, and type)

Parameter Name Description Default Value Type
--e (--stlist) -e A required option that specifies a STList object in .RDS file format to cluster on. None str
--w (--ws) -w An optional parameter that sets the weight to be applied to spatial distances. The default value is 0.025. 0.025 float
--d (--dist_metric) -d An optional parameter that specifies the distance metric to be used. The default value is 'euclidean'. 'euclidean' str
--l (--linkage) -l An optional parameter that specifies the linkage method to be used for hierarchical clustering. The default value is 'ward.D2'. 'ward.D2' str
--k (--ks) -k An optional parameter that specifies the range of k values to assess. The default value is 'dtc'. 2000 int
--t (--topgenes) -t An optional integer parameter that sets the number of genes with highest spot-to-spot expression variation. The default value is 2000. 2000 int
--s (--deepSplit) -s An optional logical parameter that controls cluster resolution. The default value is FALSE. FALSE bool
--p (--plot) -p An optional logical parameter that enables or disables plotting intermediate results. The default value is FALSE. FALSE bool
--o (--output) -o An optional character parameter that specifies the path to save the output STList object. The default value is 'spatialGE_STclustered.rds'. 'spatialGE_STclustered.rds' str
--keep_fovs --keep_fovs An optional character parameter that specifies a comma-separated list of FOVs (Focus Organizations) to keep. If not specified, no filtering is done. None str
--spot_minreads --spot_minreads An optional integer parameter that sets the minimum number of reads per spot. The default value is 20. 20 int
--rm_genes_expr --rm_genes_expr An optional character parameter that specifies a regular expression to filter out genes. The default value is '^NegPrb'. ^NegPrb str
--rm_tissue --rm_tissue An optional character parameter that specifies a comma-separated list of tissues to remove. If not specified, no filtering is done. None str