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[WIP] User documentation new db model

Nina Norgren edited this page Nov 15, 2024 · 4 revisions

Rudimentary documentation of how to set up and work with TMD with new datamodel


When creating new user:

  1. Go to admin panel
  2. Click create new User and save user
  3. Go into edit User to update permissions
  4. Assign Staff Status and assign to group NodeUserGroup
  5. Go to User profiles and find the new user
  6. Assign user to correct node and save

When creating ELIXIR questions (ELIXIR supersets will be controlled by superuser and shows up in all nodes’ panels. The view and upload options are controlled by how the supersets are designed)

  1. Go to admin panel
  2. Click create new Question and create all your questions (make sure that node is empty, but user can be set to admin)
  3. Click create new QuestionSet and add all your questions to the set (make sure that node is empty, but user can be set to admin)
    To mimic the old setup, create:
    i. Quality metrics
    ii. Demographic metrics
    iii. Impact metrics
  4. Click create new SuperSet and all your sets (make sure that node is empty, but user can be set to admin)
    a. Add set Quality metrics to superset Quality
    b. Add set Impact to superset Impact
    c. Add set Demographic metrics to superset Demographic
    d. (Optional): add set Demographic and Quality to superset Demographic and Quality
  5. Make sure that the first 3 supersets are marked for upload and metrics
  6. If you have the 4th superset, you can mark it for upload only (this way users can choose which upload they want to use, the combined or separate)

Node user

Create node specific questions:

  1. Go to admin panel
  2. Go to Questions and add new questions
  3. Create a new QuestionSet and add the questions you want
  4. Create a new QuestionSuperSet and add your nodes QuestionSet to it
  5. If you want to use it for uploading answers, mark for upload
  6. If you want to be able to see it in the metrics view, mark for metrics