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3. Customisations

Raphael Perez edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 1 revision


By default, all rules are enabled and with default category and classification. Sometimes customising this information is required.

As example, we can point out a daily health check, were not all rules are required to be enabled. This is just one example where some rules can be disabled.

To perform this change, copy the default rule file (ConfigMgrRulesOverride.xml) to an alternative location and customise it. Once the customisation is done, use the RulesOverrideFilePath parameter to point to the file.

The following snippet informs the tool that the rule is disabled and will not be used:

<Rule ID="1" Name="Server Down" Category="1" Classification="ERROR" Enabled="False" />

The following snippet informs the tool that the rule is enabled but the classification should be changed to WARNING:

<Rule ID="1" Name="Server Down" Category="1" Classification="WARNING" Enabled="True" /> 

Default Value

By default, the tool performs checks against a pre-defined list of values created based on best practices.

To perform this change, copy the default values file (ConfigMgrDefaultValues.xml) to an alternative location and customise it. Once the customisation is done, use the DefaultValuesOverrideFilePath parameter to point to the file.

The following snippet informs the tool that the default value the variable MinimumSQLVersion is now instead of the 12.0.6024.0:

<DefaultValue Name="MinimumSQLVersion" Type="string" value="" />


Reporting is the most important part of the solution and the report can be customised.

Changing the following keys in the ConfigMgrDefaultReportValues for both Word and Excel reports

  1. SummaryFormat: Text of the summary.
  2. SummaryNote: an informational note that is added after the breakdown section
  3. ReportHeader: an informational note that is added at the beginning of the report section
  4. SortReport: Sort order for the report
  5. ExportDateFormat: Date/Time format
  6. CategoryError: Colour of the text when Error
  7. CategoryWarning: Colour of the text when Warning
  8. CriticalityHigh: Criticality "High" colour
  9. CriticalityMedium: Criticality "Medium" colour
  10. CriticalityLow: Criticality "Low" colour
  11. AddRuleID: Add the Rule ID to the report. True/false values ($true/$false)
  12. ExportComments: Add possible fixes to the report (if found on the Recommendations.xml). True/false values ($true/$false)

Possible values of "variables" used in the SummaryFormat, SummaryNote and ReportHeader text

  • @@OEMNAME@@ -> OEMName
  • @@MODULETITLE@@ -> Module Description
  • @@MODULENAME@@ -> Module
  • @@CUSTOMERNAME@@ -> Customer Name
  • @@DATETIME@@ -> Current Date/Time
  • @@TOTALISSUE@@ -> Total of issues
  • [NL] -> new Line


  • Change the ReportTemplate.docx file
  • Change the following keys in the ConfigMgrDefaultReportValues
  1. Word_HeaderColour: Colour of the header
  2. Word_Column1Size: Left Column Size (caption/description)
  3. Word_Column2Size: Right Column Size (values)


  • Change the ReportTemplate.xlsx file
  • Change the following keys in the ConfigMgrDefaultReportValues
  1. Excel_HeaderBackgroundColour: Background colour of the header
  2. Excel_HeaderFontColour: Font colour of the header text
  3. Excel_TitleCell: Excell Cell to add the Title of the report
  4. Excel_LicensedToCell: Excel Cell to add the Licnese Information
  5. Excel_DateTimeCell: Excel Cell to add the date/time the report was generated
  6. Excel_OEMCell: Excel cell to add the OEM Name
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