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Home Video list

Don Kimberlin edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 4 revisions

The home page lists the subscribed videos in chronological order. in the future there will be the option to sort videos based on ratings, or shares, or other possibly helpful options, but strict chronological order will always be an option, and any algorithms will be part of the open source

Pressing on a video will cause the default action for that channel type to take place

Long pressing on a video will bring up the Video Properties

Pressing the home button will refresh the view with any background updates that have happened to the feed since it was opened

Pulling down will force all channels to refresh, and may take a bit depending on how many subscriptions you have

The icon in the upper left indicates if the video is from Youtube, Bitchute, or avaible on both.

The icons along the bottom are the views, and upvotes and downvotes that could be determined from the hosting service. there should be a floppy icon if a local copy of the file is available.

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