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Aaron P Wagner edited this page Jan 19, 2014 · 1 revision

INPUTS READ Register Functions: 1st register == habitat type sought 2nd register == travel/sight distance sought 3rd register == type of search 4th register == resource/org id sought

Habitat 0 == food 1 == hills 2 == walls
3 == hidden resources (hidden from a distance) 4 == unhidden dens -2 == organisms fail if == 3 (hidden nests)

-defaults dependent on organisms type
	-for pred, default habitat == -2 if invalid habitat input
	-for prey, default habitat == 0 if invalid habitat input

Distance -default to 1 if low invalid number (aka negative) input -default to half-log-axis-of-world if high number > half-long-axis

Search Type -behavior dependent on habitat used -if habitat == 0 or 1 or 2 or 4: 0 = look for closest edible res, closest hill/wall, or closest den (values >=1) 1 = count # edible cells/walls/hills across entire distance used (values >=1) -1 = total value of resources of habitat used in cells across entire distance used

	-if habitat == -2: 
		0 = closest any org
		1 = closest predator
		2 = count predators
		-1 = closest prey
		-2 = count prey

	-default to 0 (closest) if invalid input

ID -find instances of resource with specified resource or org id -when searching for a specific organism, search type is ignored -when searching for a valid specific resource (food/hill/wall/den), the actual habitat type of that resource will be used instead of the input habitat type (if there is a mismatch)

-default to -1 (no specific target / evaluate all instances of habitat sought) if invalid input

  OUTPUTS WRITTEN Register Functions: 1st register == habitat used 2nd register == travel/sight distance used 3rd register == search type used 4th register == resource / org id used 5th register == count seen 6th register == values seen 7th register == id seen 8th register == org forage target seen

ITEM NOT SEEN (default register return values): 1st register == habitat used 2nd register == -1 3rd register == search type used 4th register == resource / org id used 5th register == 0 6th register == -9 7th register == -9 8th register == -9

ITEM SEEN (overwriting/adding to defaults): 2nd register == distance used or distance to first object matching search and habitat type 5th register == count of organism or resource/hill/wall/den cells with value >=1 -will be 1 if search type specified find nearest -will be 1 if looking for (and found) specific organism 6th register == org current bonus for first organism (of correct type) seen or == summed value of all cells containing resource type searched for 7th register == group id for first organism (of correct type) seen or == resource id of first resource of type searched for 8th register == forage target for first organism (of correct type) seen

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