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David Silvan edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 6 revisions

IgniteCS is an after school program that aims to expose high school students to Computer Science in a fun and friendly environment. Please feel free to browse our pictures available on Facebook We have several lessons available for public use:


SoftCom Lab: May 23, 2016 Original Post

Over the past 5 weeks, members of Softcom Lab have actively administered a Android class at Diamond Ranch High School Learn More. Last Friday, this program finished its last lesson for the quarter. Looking back at the start of IgniteCS there are many things we have learned about teaching computer science and many things we’ve improved with our program. Here’s a summary of the lessons that we covered over the quarter:

  1. (July 22, 2016) Week 1: Today the class built a soundboard app. They were introduced to the basic concepts of App Inventor and explored the different configurations that they could use to create their app. Learn More
  2. (July 29, 2016) Week 2: The class learnt about conditional statements and variables today by creating a quiz based app. Learn More
  3. (May 06, 2016) Week 3: To explore some of the more advanced concepts of the computer science, the class built a group messaging app. Learn More
  4. (May 13, 2016) Week 4: Seeing a lot of interest in game development among the class, the ignite team created a game development lesson. Learn More
  5. (May 20, 2016) Week 5: For the last lesson of Ignite, students built a decryption app to explore the concepts of basic cryptography using a simple substitution cipher. Learn More
