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User Demo Plan

Ben Warren edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 5 revisions


  • Allie McCarthy
  • Nathaniel Monson
  • Brooke Webster
  • Matt Lindsay
  • Scott Stern
  • John Little
  • Brandon June Karlow
  • Piper Merriam

Problem space overview people

  • Jason Watt (Boulder; sales, task tracking apps)
  • Rob Donoghue (Maryland; GTD wonk, business systems wonk)
  • Brooke Webster (Boulder; graphic design, grokking things)
  • Ivan Vaghi (Milan; GTD wonk)
  • Marla Brizel (Denver; former project manager)
  • Marie Cosgrove-Davies (Pittsburgh; Pivotal, PM)
  • Khaled Allen (Boulder; connected with efficiency people and business people)


Khaled and Brandon. Others after based on feedback


Two stages of review: freeform "what do they do", and informed "what do they do with these prompts?"


We need to comp these people. Should we record audio?

What we are telling the users: "We are working on making things simpler and easier with a plugin for your brain to offload jobs to. It is super alpha right now; it needs improvement in some respects, but we want to get your perspective on its early form to steer how it changes."


  1. How do you feel right now?
  2. How they work around it?
  3. Conscious pain points?
  4. First actions/engagement timeline: what do people do in the first minute of poking around?


  1. How do you feel right now? (Post use?)
  2. Would you mind if we look at what you made/wrote?t
  3. Would you pay for something like this?
  4. What do you feel the need to say about this?
  5. Who would you recommend this to, if any?

Moving the Overton window

Brutal honesty prompt: the most helpful thing you can do for us is express all the frustrations so that we don't waste our time. We need to be clear eyed. <Rip into our own work. Has this person written English for other people before?> What needs to be better? Do you need this?