\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{snpio/img/snpio_logo.png} \end{figure}
This guide provides an overview of how to get started with the SNPio library. It covers the basic steps to read, manipulate, and analyze genotype data using the VCFReader, PhylipReader, StructureReader, and NRemover2 classes. SNPio is designed to simplify the process of handling genotype data and preparing it for downstream analysis, such as population genetics, phylogenetics, and machine learning. The library supports various file formats, including VCF, PHYLIP, and STRUCTURE, and provides tools for filtering, encoding, and visualizing genotype data. This guide will help you get up and running with SNPio quickly and efficiently.
, PhylipReader
, and StructureReader
classes are used to
read genotype data from VCF, PHYLIP, and STRUCTURE files, respectively.
These classes load the data into a GenotypeData
object that has
various useful methods and properties.
The NRemover2
class is used to filter genotype data based on various
criteria, such as missing data, minor allele count, minor allele
frequency, and more. The GenotypeEncoder
class is used to encode
genotype data into different formats, such as one-hot encoding, integer
encoding, and 0-1-2 encoding, for downstream analysis and machine
learning tasks.
The Plotting
class provides methods to visualize genotype data, such
as running principal component analysis (PCA) and generating missing
data reports. The PopGenStatistics
class is used to perform population
genetic analyses on SNP datasets, such as D-statistics, Fst outliers,
heterozygosity, nucleotide diversity, and Analysis of Molecular Variance
The TreeParser
class is used to load and parse phylogenetic trees in
Newick and NEXUS formats. It can read and parse tree files, modify tree
structures, draw trees, and save trees in different formats.
The PopGenStatistics
class is designed to perform a suite of
population genetic analyses on SNP datasets. It supports calculations
such as D-statistics, Fst outliers, heterozygosity, nucleotide
diversity, and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA). These analyses
are essential for understanding genetic structure, diversity, and
differentiation within and between populations.
Below is a step-by-step guide to using SNPio to read, filter, encode genotype data for analysis, and calculate population genetic statistics. The guide covers the basic steps to get started with SNPio and provides examples of how to use the main classes and methods in the library.
Before using SNPio, ensure it is installed in your Python environment. You can install it using pip. In the project root directory (the directory containing pyproject.toml), type the below command into your terminal.
We recommend using a virtual environment to manage your Python packages. If you do not have a virtual environment set up, you can create one using the following command and then activate it and install SNPio:
python3 -m venv snpio_env
source snpio_env/bin/activate
pip install snpio
This will create a virtual environment named snpio_env
and activate
it. You can then install SNPio in this virtual environment using the pip
command mentioned above.
SNPio does not support Windows operating systems at the moment. We recommend using a Unix-based operating system such as Linux or MacOS. If you have Windows, you can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run SNPio, which runs a Linux distribution on Windows.
We aim to support anaconda environments in the future. For now, we recommend using a virtual environment with pip
to install SNPio.
To start using SNPio, import the necessary modules:
# Import the SNPio modules.
from snpio import NRemover2, VCFReader, PhylipReader, StructureReader, Plotting, GenotypeEncoder, PopGenStatistics, TreeParser
Example usage:
# Define input filenames
vcf = "snpio/example_data/vcf_files/phylogen_subset14K_sorted.vcf.gz"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
# Load the genotype data from a VCF file
gd = VCFReader(filename=vcf, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example")
You can also include or exclude any populations from the analysis by
using the include_pops
and exclude_pops
parameters in the reader
classes. For example:
# Only include the populations "ON", "DS", "EA", "GU", and "TT"
# Exclude the populations "MX", "YU", and "CH"
gd = VCFReader(filename=vcf, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example", include_pops=["ON", "DS", "EA", "GU"], exclude_pops=["MX", "YU", "CH", "OG"])
The include_pops
and exclude_pops
parameters are optional and can be
used to filter the populations included in the analysis. If both
parameters are provided, the populations in include_pops
will be
included, and the populations in exclude_pops
will be excluded.
However, populations cannot overlap between lists.
If you provide both parameters, the populations in include_pops
will take precedence.
The VCFReader
, PhylipReader
, StructureReader
, NRemover2
, PopGenStatistics
, and GenotypeEncoder
classes treat the following characters as missing data: "N", ".", "?", "-".
The VCFReader
class can read both uncompressed and compressed VCF files (gzipped). If your input file is in PHYLIP or STRUCTURE format, it will be forced to be biallelic. To handle more than two alleles per site, use the VCF format. However, also note that many of the analyses implemented in PopGenStatistics
and NRemover2
are designed for biallelic and diploid data.
To use VCFReader
, PhylipReader
, or StructureReader
, you can
optionally use a population map (popmap) file. This is a simple
two-column, whitespace-delimited or comma-delimited file with SampleIDs
in the first column and the corresponding PopulationIDs in the second
column. It can optionally contain a header line, with the first column
labeled "SampleID" and the second column labeled "PopulationID"
(case-insensitive). The population IDs can be any string, such as
"Population1", "Population2", etc, or an integer. SampleIDs must match
the sample names in the alignment file.
For example:
Or, with a header:
The population map file is used to assign samples to populations and is useful for filtering and visualizing genotype data by population. If you do not provide a population map file, the samples will be treated as a single population.
The population map file can be provided as an argument to the reader classes. For example:
vcf = "snpio/example_data/vcf_files/phylogen_subset14K_sorted.vcf.gz"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
gd = VCFReader(filename=vcf, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example")
The force_popmap
parameter in the reader classes is used to force the population map file to align with the samples in the alignment without an error. If set to False
, the population map file must match the samples in the alignment exactly, and if they do not match, an error will be raised. If set to True
, the population map file will be forced to align with the samples in the alignment by removing extra samples, anc vice versa. This parameter is set to False
by default.
parameter in the reader classes is used to print additional information about the genotype data and filtering steps. If set toTrue
, the reader classes will print information about the genotype data, such as the number of samples, loci, and populations, and the filtering steps applied. This parameter is set toFalse
by default.
, anddespine
parameters in the reader classes are used to customize the output plots generated by the reader classes. See API documentation for more details.
SNPio provides readers for different file formats. Here are examples of how to read genotype data from various file formats: VCF, PHYLIP, and STRUCTURE.
vcf = "snpio/example_data/vcf_files/phylogen_subset14K_sorted.vcf.gz"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
gd = VCFReader(filename=vcf, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example", exclude_pops=["MX", "YU", "CH"], include_pops=["ON", "DS", "EA", "GU", "TT"])
This will read the genotype data from a VCF file and apply the population map if provided.
If you would like to read a Phylip file, you can use the PhylipReader
phylip = "snpio/example_data/phylip_files/phylogen_subset14K.phy"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
gd = PhylipReader(filename=phylip, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example", exclude_pops=["MX", "YU", "CH"], include_pops=["ON", "DS", "EA", "GU", "TT"])
This will read the genotype data from a PHYLIP file and apply the population map (if provided).
If you would like to read in a Structure file, you can use the
class. For example:
structure = "snpio/example_data/structure_files/phylogen_subset14K.str"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
gd = StructureReader(filename=structure, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example", exclude_pops=["MX", "YU", "CH"], include_pops=["ON", "DS", "EA", "GU", "TT"])
This will read the genotype data from a STRUCTURE file and apply the population map (if provided).
The StructureReader
class will automatically detect the format of the STRUCTURE file. It can be in one-line or two-line format (see STRUCTURE documentation), and can optionally contain population information in the file as the second tab-delimited column. If the population information is not provided in the STRUCTURE file, you can provide a population map file to assign samples to populations.
Function/Method | Description |
VCFReader |
Reads and writes genotype data from/to a VCF file and applies a population map if provided. |
write_vcf |
Writes the filtered or modified genotype data back to a VCF file. |
PhylipReader |
Reads and writes genotype data from/to a PHYLIP file and applies a population map. |
write_phylip |
Writes the filtered or modified genotype data back to a PHYLIP file. |
StructureReader |
Reads and writes genotype data from/to a STRUCTURE file and applies a population map. |
write_structure |
Writes the filtered or modified genotype data back to a STRUCTURE file. |
The write_vcf
, write_phylip
, and write_structure
methods are used
to write the filtered or modified genotype data back to a VCF, PHYLIP,
or STRUCTURE file, respectively.
The write_vcf
, write_phylip
, and write_structure
methods can be used to write the filtered or modified genotype data back to a new file. The new file will contain the filtered or modified genotype data based on the filtering criteria applied.
The GenotypeData
along with the Plotting
classes have several useful
methods for working with genotype data:
: Runs principal component analysis (PCA) on the genotype data and plots the results. The PCA plot can help visualize the genetic structure of the populations in the dataset, with each point representing an individual. Individuals are colored by missing data proportion, and populations are represented by different shapes. A 2-dimensional PCA plot is generated by default, but you can specify three PCA axes as well. For example:\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/pca_missingness.png} \caption{PCA Plot with samples colored by missing data proportion and populations represented by different shapes.} \end{figure}
: Generates missing data reports and plots for the dataset. The reports include the proportion of missing data per individual, per locus, and per population. These reports can help you identify samples, loci, or populations with high levels of missing data. For example:\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/missingness_report.png} \caption{Missing Data Report with plots depicting missing data per sample, locus, and population.} \end{figure}
class will automatically create a plot showing the number of inidviduals present in each population, if apopmapfile
is provided. For example:\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/population_counts.png} \caption{Population Counts and proportion bar plots with median indicated.} \end{figure}
The NRemover2
class provides a variety of filtering methods to clean
your genotype data. Here is an example of how to apply filters to remove
samples and loci with too much missing data, monomorphic sites,
singletons, minor allele count (MAC), minor allele frequency (MAF), and
# Apply filters to remove samples and loci with too much missing data
gd_filt = nrm.filter_missing_sample(0.75).filter_missing(0.75) .filter_missing_pop(0.75).filter_mac(2).filter_monomorphic(exclude_heterozygous=False).filter_singletons(exclude_heterozygous=False).filter_biallelic(exclude_heterozygous=False).resolve()
# Write the filtered VCF to a new file
Function/Method | Description |
filter_missing_sample |
Filters samples with missing data above the threshold. |
filter_missing |
Filters loci with missing data above the threshold. |
filter_mac |
Filters loci with a minor allele count below the threshold. |
filter_maf |
Filters loci with a minor allele frequency below the threshold. |
filter_monomorphic |
Filters monomorphic loci (sites with only one allele). |
You must call resolve()
at the end of the filtering chain to apply the filters and return the filtered GenotypeData object. The resolve()
method is required to finalize the filtering process and return the filtered dataset.
The exclude_heterozygous
parameter in filter_monomorphic
, filter_singletons
, and filter_biallelic
methods allows you to exclude heterozygous genotypes from the filtering process. By default, heterozygous genotypes are included in the filtering ocess.
and filter_linked
are only available for VCFReader and not for PhylipReader and StructureReader. These methods are used to thin loci by removing loci within a specified distance of each other on the same locus or chromosome, as defined in the VCF file. The thin_loci
method removes loci within a specified distance of each other, while the filter_linked
method filters loci that are linked within a specified distance.
The filter_linked(size)
method might yield a limited number of loci with unlinked SNP data. It is recommended to use this method with caution and check the output carefully.
searches a range of filtering thresholds for all
missing data, minor allele frequency (MAF), and minor allele count (MAC)
filters. This method helps you find the optimal thresholds for your
dataset. It will plot the threshold search results so you can visualize
the impact of different thresholds on the dataset.
With search_thresholds()
, you can specify the thresholds to search for
and the order in which to apply the filters:
# Initialize NRemover2 with GenotypeData object
nrm = NRemover2(gd)
# Specify filtering thresholds and order of filters
nrm.search_thresholds(thresholds=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], maf_thresholds=[0.01, 0.05], mac_thresholds=[2, 5], filter_order=["filter_missing_sample", "filter_missing", "filter_missing_pop", "filter_mac", "filter_monomorphic", "filter_singletons", "filter_biallelic"])
The search_thresholds()
method will search across thresholds for
missing data, MAF, MAC, and the boolean filters based on the specified
thresholds and filter order. It will plot the results so you can
visualize the impact of different thresholds on the dataset.
Below are example plots that are created when running the search_thresholds()
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/filtering_results_bool.png} \caption{Filtering results for boolean filtering methods.} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/filtering_results_mac.png} \caption{Filtering results for minor allele count (MAC).} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/filtering_results_maf.png} \caption{Filtering results for minor allele frequency (MAF).} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/filtering_results_missing_loci_samples.png} \caption{Missing data filtering results for loci and samples.} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/filtering_results_missing_population.png} \caption{Missing data filtering results for populations.} \end{figure}
The search_thresholds()
method is incompatible with both thin_loci(size)
and filter_linked()
being in the filter_order
The search_thresholds()
method can be called either before or after any other filtering, but note that it will reset the filtering chain to the original state. If you call search_thresholds()
after applying other filters, it will reset the filtering chain to the original state and apply the search across the specified thresholds.
generates a Sankey plot to visualize
how SNPs are filtered at each step of the pipeline. For example:
from snpio import NRemover2, VCFReader
vcf = "snpio/example_data/vcf_files/phylogen_subset14K_sorted.vcf.gz"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
gd = VCFReader(filename=vcf, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example")
# Initialize NRemover2.
nrm = NRemover2(gd)
# Apply filters to remove samples and loci.
gd_filt = nrm.filter_missing_sample(0.75).filter_missing(0.75).filter_missing_pop(0.75).filter_mac(2).filter_monomorphic(exclude_heterozygous=False).filter_singletons(exclude_heterozygous=False).filter_biallelic(exclude_heterozygous=False).resolve()
This will automatically track the number of loci at each filtering step and generate a Sankey plot to visualize the filtering process. The Sankey plot shows how many loci are removed at each step of the filtering process. For example:
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/nremover_sankey_plot.png} \caption{Sankey plot depicting loci retained and removed at each filtering step.} \end{figure}
The plot_sankey_filtering_report()
must be called after filtering and calling the resolve()
method to generate the Sankey plot. It is also incompatible with thin_loci()
, filter_linked()
, and random_subset_loci()
being in the filter_order
also only plots loci removed at each filtering step and does not plot samples removed. It is designed to visualize the filtering process for loci only.
Once genotype data is loaded using any of the readers, you can access
several useful properties from the GenotypeData
Attribute | Description |
num_snps |
Number of SNPs or loci in the dataset. |
num_inds |
Number of individuals in the dataset. |
populations |
List of populations in the dataset. |
popmap |
Mapping of SampleIDs to PopulationIDs. |
popmap_inverse |
Dictionary with population IDs as keys and lists of samples as values. |
samples |
List of samples in the dataset. |
snpsdict |
Dictionary with SampleIDs as keys and genotypes as values. |
loci_indices |
Numpy array with boolean values indicating the loci that passed the filtering criteria set to True . |
sample_indices |
Numpy array with boolean values indicating the samples that passed the filtering criteria set to True . |
snp_data |
2D numpy array of SNP data of shape (num_inds, num_snps). |
ref |
List of reference alleles for each locus. |
alt |
List of alternate alleles for each locus. |
inputs |
Dictionary of input parameters used to load the genotype data. |
SNPio also includes the GenotypeEncoder class for encoding genotype data into formats useful for downstream analysis and commonly used for machine and deep learning tasks.
The GenotypeEncoder class provides three encoding properties:
: Encodes genotype data into one-hot encoding, where
each possible biallelic IUPAC genotype is represented by a one-hot
vector. Heterozygotes are represented as multi-label vectors as follows:
onehot_dict = {
"A": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"T": [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"G": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
"C": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
"N": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"W": [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"R": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
"M": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
"K": [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
"Y": [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
"S": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"N": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
: Encodes genotype data into integer encoding, where each
possible biallelic IUPAC genotype is represented by an integer as
follows: as follows:
A=0, T=1, G=2, C=3, W=4, R=5, M=6, K=7, Y=8, S=9, N=-9
. Missing values
are represented as -9.
: Encodes genotype data into 0-1-2 encoding, where 0
represents the homozygous reference genotype, 1 represents the
heterozygous genotype, and 2 represents the homozygous alternate
genotype. Missing values are represented as -9.
Example Usage:
from snpio import VCFReader, GenotypeEncoder
vcf = "snpio/example_data/vcf_files/phylogen_subset14K_sorted.vcf.gz"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
gd = VCFReader(filename=vcf, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example")
encoder = GenotypeEncoder(gd)
# Convert genotype data to one-hot encoding
gt_ohe = encoder.genotypes_onehot
# Convert genotype data to integer encoding
gt_int = encoder.genotypes_int
# Convert genotype data to 0-1-2 encoding.
gt_012 = encoder.genotypes_012
The GenotypeEncoder allows you to seamlessly convert genotype data into formats often used by machine and deep learning workflows.
You can also inversely convert the encoded data back to the original genotypes by just setting the GenotypeEncoder properties to a new value. For example:
# Convert one-hot encoded data back to genotypes
encoder.genotypes_onehot = gt_ohe
# Convert integer encoded data back to genotypes
encoder.genotypes_int = gt_int
# Convert 0-1-2 encoded data back to genotypes
encoder.genotypes_012 = gt_012
This will automatically update the original genotype data in the
GenotypeData object and convert it to the original format stored in the
property of the GenotypeData object.
The PopGenStatistics
class is designed to
perform a suite of population genetic analyses on SNP datasets. It
supports calculations such as D-statistics, Fst outliers,
heterozygosity, nucleotide diversity, and Analysis of Molecular Variance
(AMOVA). These analyses facilitate understanding of the genetic
structure, diversity, and differentiation within and between
The PopGenStatistics
class provides several methods for calculating population genetic statistics and performing analyses on genotype data:
Class Method | Description | Supported Algorithm(s) |
calculate_d_statistics |
Calculates D-statistics and saves as CSV. | Patterson's, partitioned, and D-foil D-statistics. |
detect_fst_outliers |
Identifies Fst outliers. Supports P-values. | DBSCAN clustering, Traditional bootstrapping. |
summary_statistics |
Calculates genetic summary statistics. | Observed heterozygosity (Ho), Expected heterozygosity (He), Nucleotide diversity (Pi), Weir and Cockerham's Fst. |
Here is an example of how to use the PopGenStatistics
class to perform population genetic analyses:
from snpio import VCFReader, PopGenStatistics
vcf = "snpio/example_data/vcf_files/phylogen_subset14K_sorted.vcf.gz"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
gd = VCFReader(filename=vcf, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="png", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example")
pgs = PopGenStatistics(gd)
# Calculate summary statistics.
summary_stats = pgs.summary_statistics(n_bootstraps=1000, n_jobs=-1, save_plots=True)
# Calculate D-statistics.
dstats_df, overall_results = pgs.calculate_d_statistics(
# NOTE: Takes a while to run.
amova_results = pgs.amova(
"EA": "Eastern",
"GU": "Eastern",
"TT": "Eastern",
"TC": "Eastern",
"DS": "Ornate",
nei_dist_df, nei_pvals_df = pgs.neis_genetic_distance(n_bootstraps=1000)
summary_stats = pgs.summary_statistics(save_plots=True)
df_fst_outliers_boot, df_fst_outlier_pvalues_boot = pgs.detect_fst_outliers(
df_fst_outliers_dbscan, df_fst_outlier_pvalues_dbscan = pgs.detect_fst_outliers(
correction_method="bonf", use_bootstrap=False, n_jobs=1
The PopGenStatistics
class provides a comprehensive suite of methods for calculating population genetic statistics and performing analyses on genotype data. These methods can help you understand the genetic structure, diversity, and differentiation within and between populations, and identify outliers and patterns in the data.
Below is an example of the output from the neis_genetic_distance
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/neis_genetic_distance.png} \caption{Nei's Genetic Distance Matrix.} \end{figure}
The summary statistics method generates a summary report with observed
heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), nucleotide diversity
(Pi), and Weir and Cockerham's Fst values for each population. The
report includes plots of the summary statistics for each population,
which can help you visualize the genetic diversity and differentiation
within and between populations. Below is an example figure generated by
the summary_statistics
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/summary_statistics.png} \caption{Summary statistics report with heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity.} \end{figure}
The D-statistics method calculates Patterson's D-statistics, partitioned
D-statistics, and D-foil D-statistics for the specified population
groups. The method returns a DataFrame with the D-statistics values and
overall results for the analysis. Below are three example visualizations
made by the calculate_d_statistics
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/d_statistics_distribution.png} \caption{D-statistics distribution histogram plot.} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/d_statistics_significance_counts.png} \caption{D-statistics significance counts bar plot.} \end{figure}
Below is an example of the plot made by the detect_fst_outliers
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[height=0.5\textwidth]{snpio/img/outlier_snps_heatmap.png} \caption{Fst outlier SNPs heatmap.} \end{figure}
Finally, below is a plot depicting the results of the per-population pairwise Fst analysis:
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{snpio/img/fst_between_populations_heatmap.png} \caption{Pairwise Fst heatmap.} \end{figure}
SNPio also provides a TreeParser
class to load and parse phylogenetic
trees in Newick and NEXUS formats. The TreeParser
class can read and
parse tree files, modify tree structures, draw trees, and save trees in
different formats. You can use the TreeParser
class to analyze and
visualize phylogenetic trees and extract relevant information for
downstream analysis.
Here are some examples of how to load and parse a phylogenetic tree
using the TreeParser
from snpio import TreeParser, VCFReader
vcf = "snpio/example_data/vcf_files/phylogen_subset14K_sorted.vcf.gz"
popmap = "snpio/example_data/popmaps/phylogen_nomx.popmap"
gd = VCFReader(filename=vcf, popmapfile=popmap, force_popmap=True, verbose=True, plot_format="pdf", plot_fontsize=20, plot_dpi=300, despine=True, prefix="snpio_example")
# Load a phylogenetic tree from a Newick file
tp = TreeParser(genotype_data=gd, treefile="snpio/example_data/trees/test.tre", siterates="snpio/example_data/trees/test14K.rates", qmatrix="snpio/example_data/trees/test.iqtree", verbose=True)
tree = tp.read_tree()
tree.draw(); # Draw the tree
# Save the tree in Newick format
tp.write_tree(tree, save_path="snpio/example_data/trees/test_newick.tre")
# Save the tree in NEXUS format
tp.write_tree(tree, save_path="snpio/example_data/trees/test_nexus.nex", nexus=True)
# Returns the tree in Newick format as a string
tp.write_tree(tree, save_path=None)
# Get the tree stats. Returns a dictionary of tree stats.
# Reroot the tree at any nodes containing the string 'EA' in the sampleID.
# Use the '~' character to specify a regular expression pattern to match.
# Get a distance matrix between all nodes in the tree.
# Get the Rate Matrix Q from the Qmatrix file.
# Get the Site Rates from the Site Rates file.
# Get a subtree with only the samples containing 'EA' in the sampleID.
# Use the '~' character to specify a regular expression pattern to select all
# tips containing the pattern.
subtree = tp.get_subtree("~EA")
# Prune the tree to remove samples containing 'ON' in the sampleID.
pruned_tree = tp.prune_tree("~ON")
# Write the subtree and pruned tree. Returns a Newick string if 'save_path'
# is None. Otherwise saves it to 'save_path'.
print(tp.write_tree(subtree, save_path=None))
print(tp.write_tree(pruned_tree, save_path=None))
The TreeParser
class provides several methods for working with
phylogenetic trees, including reading, writing, and modifying trees. You
can use these methods to analyze and manipulate phylogenetic trees for
your research and analysis tasks.
The TreeParser
class also provides methods for calculating tree
statistics, rerooting trees, getting distance matrices, and extracting
subtrees based on sample IDs. These methods can help you analyze and
visualize phylogenetic trees and extract relevant information for
downstream analysis.
The Rate matrix Q
and Site Rates
can be accessed from the Qmatrix
and Site Rates files, respectively. These matrices can be used to
calculate evolutionary distances and rates between samples in the
phylogenetic tree. The siterates
file can be output by IQ-TREE or
specified as a one-column file with the rates for each site in the
alignment (header optional). The qmatrix
file can be obtained from the
IQ-TREE standard output ('.iqtree' file) or from a stand-alone Qmatrix
file with the rate matrix Q. In the latter case, the file should be a
tab-delimited or comma-delimited file with the rate matrix Q with
substitution rates in the order: "A, "C", "G", "T". A header line is
The rate matrix and site rates objects can be accessed by their corresponding properties:
: Rate matrix Q.tp.site_rates
: Site rates.
The TreeParser
class is designed to simplify the process of working
with phylogenetic trees and extracting relevant information for
downstream analysis. You can use the TreeParser
class to load, parse,
and manipulate phylogenetic trees in Newick and NEXUS formats, and
extract tree statistics, distance matrices, and subtrees based on sample
IDs. For more information on the TreeParser
class and its methods,
please refer to the API documentation.
You can benchmark the filtering performance using the Benchmark class to visualize how thresholds affect the dataset, if you have installed the snpio dev requirements:
pip install snpio[dev]
Then, you can use the Benchmark class to plot performance metrics for
your filtered genotype data after the resolve()
method is called. For
from snpio.utils.benchmarking import Benchmark
Benchmark.plot_performance(nrm.genotype_data, nrm.genotype_data.resource_data)
This function will plot performance metrics for your filtered genotype
data and for the VCFReader
class, giving insights into data quality
The Benchmark class is designed to help you evaluate the performance of your filtering process and visualize the impact of different thresholds on the dataset. For more information on the Benchmark class and how to use it, see the API documentation.
This guide provides an overview of how to get started with the SNPio library. It covers the basic steps to read, manipulate, and analyze genotype data using the VCFReader, PhylipReader, StructureReader, and NRemover2 classes. SNPio is designed to simplify the process of handling genotype data and preparing it for downstream analysis, such as population genetics, phylogenetics, and machine learning. The library supports various file formats, including VCF, PHYLIP, and STRUCTURE, and provides tools for filtering, encoding, and visualizing genotype data. This guide will help you get up and running with SNPio quickly and efficiently.
For more information on the SNPio library, please refer to this API documentation and examples provided in the repository. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to the developers. We hope you find SNPio useful for your bioinformatic analyses!
The SNPio library is under active development, and we welcome contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute to the project, please check the GitHub repository for open issues and submit a pull request. We appreciate your support and feedback!
If you encounter any issues or have any questions about the SNPio library, please feel free to reach out to the developers or open an issue on the GitHub repository. We are here to help and improve the library based on your feedback.
The SNPio library is licensed under the GPL3 License, and we encourage you to use it for your research and analysis tasks. If you find the library useful, please cite it in your publications. We appreciate your support and feedback! We hope you find SNPio useful for your research and analysis tasks! Thank you for using SNPio!