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Two new workflows:
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    handle (ref-indepedent, alignment) a single piece of on-instrument demultiplexed CCS bam
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SHuang-Broad committed Mar 1, 2024
1 parent d95be34 commit 1e26de7
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Showing 3 changed files with 380 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .dockstore.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,12 @@ workflows:
- name: PBMASIsoSeqDemultiplex
subclass: wdl
primaryDescriptorPath: /wdl/pipelines/PacBio/Utility/PBMASIsoSeqDemultiplex.wdl
- name: ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunkRefFree
subclass: wdl
primaryDescriptorPath: /wdl/pipelines/PacBio/Utility/ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunkRefFree.wdl
- name: ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunk
subclass: wdl
primaryDescriptorPath: /wdl/pipelines/PacBio/Utility/ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunk.wdl

# TechAgnostic - *mics data processing
Expand Down
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions wdl/pipelines/PacBio/Utility/ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunk.wdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
version 1.0

import "../../../tasks/Utility/GeneralUtils.wdl" as GU

import "../../../tasks/Alignment/AlignHiFiUBAM.wdl" as ALN

import "../../TechAgnostic/Utility/AlignedBamQCandMetrics.wdl" as QCMetrics

import "../../../tasks/Utility/Finalize.wdl" as FF

workflow ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunk {

meta {
desciption: "Given an on-instrument demultiplexed hifi_reads.bam, perform alignment and QC check, and collect a few metrics."

parameter_meta {

# inputs
"Unique ID for a readgroup, for example (D|E)A[0-9]{6}-<barcode>; no whitespaces allowed"

"value to place in the SM field of the resulting BAM header's @RG line"

"PacBio platform used for generating the data; accepted value: [Sequel, Revio]"

"output files will be copied over there"

"A config json to for running the QC and metrics-collection sub-workflow 'AlignedBamQCandMetrics'"

"For fingerprint verification: the ID of the sample supposedly this BAM belongs to; note that the fingerprint VCF is assumed to be located at {fingerprint_store}/{fingerprint_sample_id}*.vcf(.gz)?"

"If provided, triggers sex concordance check. Accepted value: [M, F, NA, na]"

# outputs
"whole genome mean coverage"

"Summary on alignment metrics provided by Nanoplot (todo: study the value of this output)"

"SAM flag stats"

"Summary on (human) fingerprint checking results"

"cross-(human)individual contamination estimation by VerifyBAMID2"

"Inferred sex concordance information if expected sex type is provided"

"Simple stats on the reads with & without SAM methylation tags (MM/ML)."

"A map where keys are summary-names and values are paths to files generated from the various QC/metrics tasks"

input {
String gcs_out_root_dir

File uBAM
File? uPBI

String readgroup_id
String bam_SM_field

String platform

# args for optional QC subworkflows
File? qc_metrics_config_json
String? fingerprint_sample_id
String? expected_sex_type

File ref_map_file
String disk_type = "SSD"

output {
String last_processing_date = today.yyyy_mm_dd

File aligned_bam = FinalizeAlignedBam.gcs_path
File aligned_bai = FinalizeAlignedBai.gcs_path
File aligned_pbi = FinalizeAlignedPbi.gcs_path

String movie =

# metrics block (caveat: always has to keep an eye on the QC subworkflow about outputs)
Float wgs_cov = QCandMetrics.wgs_cov
Map[String, Float] nanoplot_summ = QCandMetrics.nanoplot_summ
Map[String, Float] sam_flag_stats = QCandMetrics.sam_flag_stats

# fingerprint
Map[String, String]? fingerprint_check = QCandMetrics.fingerprint_check

# contam
Float? contamination_est = QCandMetrics.contamination_est

# sex concordance
Map[String, String]? inferred_sex_info = QCandMetrics.inferred_sex_info

# methyl
Map[String, String]? methyl_tag_simple_stats = QCandMetrics.methyl_tag_simple_stats

# file-based QC/metrics outputs all packed into a finalization map
Map[String, String] aBAM_metrics_files = QCandMetrics.aBAM_metrics_files

# prep work
# where to store final results
String workflow_name = "ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunk"
String outdir = sub(gcs_out_root_dir, "/$", "") + "/" + workflow_name

# String bc_specific_out = outdir + '/' + readgroup_id
String bc_specific_aln_out = outdir + '/alignments/' + readgroup_id
String bc_specific_metrics_out = outdir + "/metrics/" + readgroup_id

# align
call ALN.AlignHiFiUBAM as AlignHiFiUBAM { input:
uBAM = uBAM,
uPBI = uPBI,
bam_sample_name = bam_SM_field,
ref_map_file = ref_map_file,
application = 'HIFI',
disk_type = disk_type

File aBAM = AlignHiFiUBAM.aligned_bam
File aBAI = AlignHiFiUBAM.aligned_bai
File aPBI = AlignHiFiUBAM.aligned_pbi

# save
call FF.FinalizeToFile as FinalizeAlignedBam { input: outdir = bc_specific_aln_out, file = aBAM, name = readgroup_id + '.bam' }
call FF.FinalizeToFile as FinalizeAlignedBai { input: outdir = bc_specific_aln_out, file = aBAI, name = readgroup_id + '.bai' }
call FF.FinalizeToFile as FinalizeAlignedPbi { input: outdir = bc_specific_aln_out, file = aPBI, name = readgroup_id + '.pbi' }

# QC
AlignedBamQCnMetricsConfig qcm_config = read_json(select_first([qc_metrics_config_json]))
call QCMetrics.Work as QCandMetrics { input:
bam = aBAM,
bai = aBAI,

tech = platform,

cov_bed = qcm_config.cov_bed,
cov_bed_descriptor = qcm_config.cov_bed_descriptor,

fingerprint_vcf_store = qcm_config.fingerprint_vcf_store,
fingerprint_sample_id = fingerprint_sample_id,

expected_sex_type = expected_sex_type,

vbid2_config_json = qcm_config.vbid2_config_json,

methyl_tag_check_bam_descriptor = qcm_config.methyl_tag_check_bam_descriptor,
save_methyl_uncalled_reads = qcm_config.save_methyl_uncalled_reads,

ref_map_file = ref_map_file,
disk_type = disk_type,

output_prefix = readgroup_id, # String output_prefix = bam_sample_name + "." + flowcell
gcs_out_root_dir = bc_specific_metrics_out,

call GU.GetTodayDate as today {}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
version 1.0

import "../../../tasks/Utility/Utils.wdl"
import "../../../tasks/Utility/BAMutils.wdl" as BU
import "../../../tasks/Utility/GeneralUtils.wdl" as GU

import "../../../tasks/Visualization/NanoPlot.wdl" as QC0
import "../../TechAgnostic/Utility/CountTheBeans.wdl" as QC1
import "../../TechAgnostic/Utility/DystPeaker.wdl" as QC2
import "../../TechAgnostic/Utility/FASTQstats.wdl" as QC3

import "../../../tasks/Utility/Finalize.wdl" as FF
import "../../TechAgnostic/Utility/SaveFilesToDestination.wdl" as SAVE

workflow ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunkRefFree {

meta {
desciption: "Given an on-instrument demultiplexed hifi_reads.bam, perform ref-independent prep work, and collect a few metrics"

parameter_meta {
"The preexisting Hifi FASTQ; if provided the metrics calculation is faster; if not, you most likely want to set convert_to_fq to true"

"Unique ID for a readgroup, for example (D|E)A[0-9]{6}-<barcode>"

"a length threshold below which reads are classified as short"

"a one-word description of the purpose of the BAM (e.g. 'a_particular_seq_center'; used for saving the reads that don't have any MM/ML tags; doesn't need to be single-file specific)"

"if true, will kick off Nanoplot to collect metrics on the uBAM; this isn't necessary if you also run the alignment version to process the uBAM as Nanoplot is run there automatically and produces a superset of metrics"

"if true, input HiFi uBAM will be converted to FASTQ"
"available only if convert_to_fq is true."

"A few metrics output by Nanoplot on the uBAM"
"A few metrics output by seqkit stats"

"A few metrics summarizing the read length distribution"
"Peaks of the read length distribution (heruistic)"
"Deciles of the read length distribution"

"Simple stats on the reads with & without SAM methylation tags (MM/ML)."

"A map where keys are summary-names and values are paths to files generated from the various QC/metrics tasks"

input {
File uBAM
String readgroup_id
File? input_hifi_fq

String bam_descriptor
Int short_reads_threshold

Boolean run_nanoplot = false
Boolean convert_to_fq = false
Boolean i_donot_want_fq = false

String disk_type = "SSD"

String gcs_out_root_dir

output {
String? movie = movie_name

File? converted_hifi_fq = FinalizeFQ.gcs_path

String last_processing_date = today.yyyy_mm_dd

# todo merge these two together
Map[String, Float] seqkit_stats = select_first([SeqKitOnBAM.stats, SeqKitOnFASTQ.stats])
Map[String, Float]? nanoplot_u_summ = NanoPlotFromUBam.stats_map

Map[String, String] read_len_summaries = DystPeaker.read_len_summaries
Array[Int] read_len_peaks = DystPeaker.read_len_peaks
Array[Int] read_len_deciles = DystPeaker.read_len_deciles

# methylation call rate stats
Map[String, String] methyl_tag_simple_stats = NoMissingBeans.methyl_tag_simple_stats

# file-based outputs all packed into a finalization map
Map[String, String] uBAM_metrics_files = files_out

# prep work
# arg validation
if (defined(input_hifi_fq) == convert_to_fq) {
if (!i_donot_want_fq) {
call Utils.StopWorkflow as MutExProvided { input:
reason = "You most likely want to either convert to FASTQ here, or have a pre-existing FASTQ, but not (miss) both."

# where to store final results
String workflow_name = "ProcessOnInstrumentDemuxedChunkRefFree"
String outdir = sub(gcs_out_root_dir, "/$", "") + "/" + workflow_name

String outdir_ref_free = outdir + '/RefFree' # ideally, this isn't necessary, but it's a relic we'd not touch right now (2023-12-23)
String bc_specific_out = outdir_ref_free + '/' + readgroup_id
String bc_specific_metrics_out = bc_specific_out + "/metrics"

# convert to FASTQ if there isn't already one
if (!defined(input_hifi_fq) && !i_donot_want_fq) {
call BU.GetReadGroupInfo as RG { input: bam = uBAM, keys = ['PU']}
String movie_name = RG.read_group_info['PU']

call BU.BamToFastq { input: bam = uBAM, prefix = "does_not_matter"}
call FF.FinalizeToFile as FinalizeFQ { input:
outdir = bc_specific_out,
file = BamToFastq.reads_fq,
name = readgroup_id + '.hifi.fq.gz'

# more QCs and metrics
if (run_nanoplot) {
call QC0.NanoPlotFromUBam { input: uBAM = uBAM }
FinalizationManifestLine a = object
{files_to_save: flatten([[NanoPlotFromUBam.stats], NanoPlotFromUBam.plots]),
is_singleton_file: false,
destination: bc_specific_metrics_out + "/nanoplot",
output_attribute_name: "nanoplot"}
call QC1.CountTheBeans as NoMissingBeans { input:
Map[String, String] methyl_out = {"missing_methyl_tag_reads":
call QC2.DystPeaker { input:
input_file=uBAM, input_is_bam=true,
id=readgroup_id, short_reads_threshold=short_reads_threshold,
Map[String, String] read_len_out = {"read_len_hist": DystPeaker.read_len_hist,
"raw_rl_file": DystPeaker.read_len_summaries['raw_rl_file']}

# seqkit stats, detail depends on if FASTQ is available/desired or not
if (i_donot_want_fq) {
call QC3.FASTQstats as SeqKitOnBAM { input: reads = uBAM, file_type = "BAM" }
if (!i_donot_want_fq) {
File use_this_hifi_fq = select_first([input_hifi_fq, BamToFastq.reads_fq])
call QC3.FASTQstats as SeqKitOnFASTQ { input: reads=use_this_hifi_fq, file_type='FASTQ' }

if (run_nanoplot) {
call SAVE.SaveFilestoDestination as SaveRest { input:
instructions = select_all([a]),
already_finalized = select_all([methyl_out,
if (!run_nanoplot) {
call GU.MergeMaps { input:
one = methyl_out,
two = read_len_out,
Map[String, String] files_out = select_first([SaveRest.result, MergeMaps.merged])

call GU.GetTodayDate as today {}

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