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Alexandre Debusschère edited this page Aug 17, 2020 · 2 revisions

You can define your application's route in the file ./config/routes.php. Note that this skeleton uses a nikic/FastRoute implementation router, so you can use the FastRoute patterns to define your app routes.

By default, in a production environment, a cache file is generated in ./storage/smarty/routes.cache.php. You can modify this in the ./config/container.php file, in the RouterInterface::class definition.

$container->set(RouterInterface::class, function () {
    $router = new FastRouteRouter();
    if (env('APP_ENV') == 'production') {

    return $router;

Create routes

You can define application routes using methods on the Borsch\Application\App instance.
Named methods have 2 required parameters and 1 optional:

  • [REQUIRED] string $path The path to match
  • [REQUIRED] string $handler The container entry to your route handler
  • [OPTIONAL] string $name The name of the route
return function (App $app): void {
    $app->get('/', HomeHandler::class, 'home');

    $app->get('/user[/{id:\d+}]', UserGetHandler::class);
    $app->post('/user', UserPostHandler::class);
    $app->put('/user[/{id:\d+}]', UserPutHandler::class);
    $app->delete('/user[/{id:\d+}]', UserDeleteHandler::class);

    // Better, use 1 handler to deal with all needed methods
    $app->match(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], '/order[/{id:\d+}]', OrderHandler::class);


You need to provide a PSR-15 Request Handler to each routes.
The Request Handler will be in charge of generating a response for the matched route.

Example for the /order[/{id:\d+}] path upper
namespace App\Handler;

use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class OrderHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    protected function get(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        return new JsonResponse([
            // Orders...
    protected function post(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        // Created order
        return new JsonResponse([]);
    protected function put(ServerRequestInterface $request, int $order_id): ResponseInterface
        // Update order
        return new JsonResponse([]);
    protected function delete(ServerRequestInterface $request, int $order_id): ResponseInterface
        // Delete order
        return new JsonResponse([]);

    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $order_id = (int)$request->getAttribute('id');
        $method = strtolower($request->getMethod());
        if (!method_exists($this, $method)) {
            throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf(
                'Method %s::%s is unknown...',
        return $this->{$method}($request, $order_id);

Note: Borsch skeleton is bundled with Laminas Diactoros PSR-7 implementation as you can see in this example.


You can specify a route name explicitly:

// Here "home"
$app->get('/', HomeHandler::class, 'home');

Or let the router do it for you:

// Here "GET^/"
$app->get('/', HomeHandler::class, 'home');

// Here "GET:POST^/user[/{id:\d+}]"
$app->match(['GET', 'POST'], '/user[/{id:\d+}]', UserHandler::class);

Internally (in Borsch\Router\Route), route names are determined like so:

$this->name = sprintf(
    implode(':', $this->methods),

Note: 2 routes cannot have the same name, or an exception will be thrown!


To group routes under the same path prefix, use the group method.
You must provide a callable, where the first parameter is an instance of ApplicationInterface.

$this->app->group('/grouped/path', function (App $app) {
    $app->group('/to', function (App $app) {
        $app->get('/get', TestHandler::class); //


It is not possible to attach middlewares to a route.
Instead, use a segregated path in your pipeline.


It is possible to cache your route for production use, the Borsch Skeleton already does it for you.
Please see the container definition for more details if you wish to modify this behavior:

$container->set(RouterInterface::class, function () {
    $router = new FastRouteRouter();
    if (env('APP_ENV') == 'production') {
        // Caching is done here by default

    return $router;