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Debusschère Alexandre edited this page Mar 11, 2022 · 5 revisions


Borsch is a simple and efficient PSR-15 framework made to kick start your app development by allowing you to develop using the tools you prefer, and provides minimal structure and facilities to ease your development.

What for ?

Borsch is the perfect tool to create applications, APIs or quick prototyping.
Basically everything can be done with it, and you can tweak, modify, remove any part of it.
Lastly, Borsch is super fast thanks to its light code base !

How does it work ?

The same as every other framework:

  1. Requests arrives on the index.php file
  2. Dispatch the request to your route
  3. Send the response back to the client

Each route invokes an instance of RequestHandlerInterface and returns a PSR-7 ResponseInterface.
To get started, you first instantiate and configure the Borsch application. Next, you define your container definitions (for dependency injection), then your application routes. Finally, you run the Borsch application.
Easy peasy !


The framework is built around the Borsch Container, therefore everything is made around interfaces. If something is not at your taste, you can implement your own logic without having to modify everything.

It is also really easy to integrate any other library, simply require it via Composer, add a definition in the container file if needed, then use it.