is a multi-step, wizard component for sequential data collection. It basically lets you throw a bunch of react components at it (data forms, text / html components etc) and it will take the user through those components in steps. If it's a data-entry form it can tigger validation and only proceed if the data is valid.
v4.5.0: ported to react and react-dom 15.5.4
v4.3.0: now supporting higer order component based validation via react-validation-mixin!
v4.2.0: now supporting pure, dumb components!
something like this of course:
Full example usage code is available in the src/examples
directory. Have a look at a live working version here
- run
npm install --save react-stepzilla
- require into your project via
var StepZilla = require('react-stepzilla')
- define the list of all the components* you want to step through. The
indicates the title of the UI step and component is what loads.
const steps =
{name: 'Step 1', component: <Step1 />},
{name: 'Step 2', component: <Step2 />},
{name: 'Step 3', component: <Step3 />},
{name: 'Step 4', component: <Step4 />},
{name: 'Step 5', component: <Step5 />}
as of v4.2.0 you can also use Pure Components but they wont support validation, see Step2.js in the examples directory for more info.
- and now render it out somewhere in your app
<div className='step-progress'>
<StepZilla steps={steps}/>
- pass in following options as well if you want to customise it further
// hide or show Next and Previous Buttons at the bottom
showNavigation: true | false
// disable or enable the steps UI navigation on top
showSteps: true | false
// disable or enable onClick step jumping from the UI navigation on top
stepsNavigation: true | false
// show or hide the previous button in the last step (maybe the last step is a thank you message and you don't want them to go back)
prevBtnOnLastStep: true | false
// dev control to disable validation rules called in step components **
dontValidate: true | false
// by default if you hit the Enter key on any element it validates the form and moves to next step if validation passes. Use this to prevent this behaviour
preventEnterSubmission: true | false
// specify what step to start from in the case you need to skip steps (send in a 0 based index for the item in the steps array. e.g. 2 will load <Step3 /> initially)
startAtStep: [stepIndex]
// specify the next button text (if not given it defaults to "Next")
nextButtonText: "Siguiente"
// specify the back button text (if not given it default to "Previous")
backButtonText: "Espalda"
// specify what the next button text should be in the step before the last (This is usually the last "Actionable" step. You can use this option to change the Next button to say Save - if you save the form data collected in previous steps)
nextTextOnFinalActionStep: "Save"
// its recommended that you use basic javascript validation (i.e simple validation implemented inside your step component. But stepzilla steps can also use 'react-validation-mixin' which wraps your steps as higher order components. If you use this then you need to specify those steps indexes that use 'react-validation-mixin' below in this array)
hocValidationAppliedTo: [1, 2]
example options usage:
<div className='step-progress'>
<StepZilla steps={steps} stepsNavigation={false} prevBtnOnLastStep={false} startAtStep=2 />
if one of your components is a form that requires validation before moving to the next component, then that component needs to implement a
public method which validates the form and returns true/false if the data is valid. For an e.g. on this have a look at thesrc/examples/Step3
component. -
validation can also be Async and therefore Promise based. This is useful if you do server side validation or you want to save data to a server and only proceed if it was a success. For an e.g. on this have a look at the
component. -
also if you want some default style, copy the source from
code into your project (the above look in the picture also requires bootstrap)
- stepzilla injects an utility method called
as a prop into all your react step components - this utility methods lets you jump between steps from inside your react component
will jump to your 3rd step (it uses a zero based index) - check out
for an actual usage example - important!! this jumpToStep() utility method will not validate data! so use with caution. its only meant to be a utility to break from the standard flow of steps
- your individual react steps can implement some checks to prevent moving onto the next step, this is called "validation" in stepzilla.
- to use this feature, you need to implement a public
method in your react step component. - this
method can return a statictrue/false
(true to proceed and false to prevent). It can also return aPromise
which in turn shouldresolve
(which maps to the statictrue/false
behaviour) - stepzilla also supports advanced form validation via
- check out sample code in the
directory. (Step3.js and Step4.js show you all this in action)
- all node source is in src/main.js
- you need to install dependencies first
npm install
- make any changes and run
npm run build
to transpile the jsx intodist
- the transpilation is run as an auto pre-publish task so it should usually be up to date when consumed via npm
npm run build-example
builds and packs the example app into the 'docs' folder so it can be accessed via ghpages
A full example is found in the src/examples
- run
npm install
- then run
npm run example
- then go to
in your browser - hot reload will work as you dev
- tests are written in the mocha, chai, sinon, enzyme stack
- located in the 'tests' folder and supports es6
- run the
npm run test
command run tests - run the
npm run test:watch
command run test in watch mode
- test coverage is done via istanbul
- run the
npm run test:coverage
command to generate full coverage report (shown in terminal and as lcov report in coverage directory) - all code is run against coverage, not just the unit tested modules
- test coverage improvement is currently a work in progress
Current coverage sitting at v4.6.0:
Statements : 86.02% ( 160/186 ), 11 ignored
Branches : 75.15% ( 124/165 ), 23 ignored
Functions : 82.98% ( 39/47 ), 4 ignored
Lines : 80.65% ( 100/124 )
write the tests- improve code coverage
do you have any ideas for new features or improvements to stepzilla? we would love to hear from you. head over to the issues section here and raise a new thread about what you would like. make sure you include some use cases for your request.
- open bugs are here
- change log is here