Hi Contributors, here is the workflow you should follow to contribute any updates/upgrades to StepZilla.
- Check out master branch
- Follow the Dev steps here to run it locally in live-update watch mode
- Make your code updates
- Smoke test it by running through the example app in the browser a few times
- Once you are happy that your changes have not introduced any new issues
- Update unit tests if needed and run tests
- Once all new tests pass
- Note down the current "version" number in "package.json" (e.g. 4.6.2) and decide if your update is a major/minor/patch upgrade. For e.g. if it's a non breaking patch then increment the version to 4.6.3
- Open the "src/examples/index.html" file and also put the new version in the div with "lib-version" (e.g. here)
- Now run
npm run build
. This this will produce the distribution in "dist" - Now run
npm run build-example
and this will generate a distribution of the new example app that is available live here - Check in your code into master or into your own branch and raise a PR
- Run
npm publish
to push new version in the registry (if you are a contributor who pushed directly to master or ask your PR approved to do this) - Give it a few minutes and visit the new live example app here. Make sure the new version you added in step 9 is shown on the top right corner and also do a complete smoke test to verify your changes
- Update the (WIKI change log here)[https://github.com/newbreedofgeek/react-stepzilla/wiki/Change-Log] with a new entry and explain what changed.