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How to configure Keybox to log to elasticsearch

Thomas edited this page Nov 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

Unfortunately I haven't figured this out: but looks like so far:

You need to edit the file located in (from root of unzipped directory) KeyBox-jetty/jetty/keybox/WEB-INF/classes


Then I need to somehow do this (per a request from a user)

This can be done now (kind of) by setting an appender for log4j

and defining the auditLogAppender property and looking at lines 14-26 (which are)

    <!-- System audit example using logstash
    <Socket name="logstash-socket-appender" host="" port="5300">

    <!-- System audit example using logstash
    <Logger name="com.keybox.manage.util.SystemAudit" level="info" additivity="false">
        <AppenderRef ref="logstash-socket-appender"/>

I guess I remove the <!--??

Will finish once done.