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Understanding the pull push model of simple react

johnmcclean-aol edited this page Mar 31, 2015 · 1 revision

Mixed pull / push model

simple-react operates under a mixed pull /push model. simple-react uses a Stream to manage chains of CompletableFutures.

The Stream pulls the chain of CompletableFutures into existance. Data is pushed asynchronously through the chain of CompletableFutures when it is ready.

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The LazyFutureStream forEach operator will pull chains into existence one at a time. For EagerFutureStream and SimpleReactStreams, all chains are created immediately and data starts to push through immediately.

The run operator for LazyFutureStream allows greater managed parallelism, with a controlled number of chains being created at one time.

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Building push based systems

It is also possible to build push based systems in simple-react. By making use to simple-react asynchronous datastructures as an entry point for external input. See PushableStreamBuilder and Pushing data into Java 8 Streams for details on the mechanics of such.

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