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Type Interfaces : Value
A Value represents a non-scalar value (which may or may not be present now or resolved at some future date). Value extends Zippable, Convertable, Iterable, Reactive Streams Publisher
Value contains a large range of conversion methods to cyclops-react core types.
collect, fold, fold, generate, iterate, iterator, mapReduce, mkString, newSubscriber, of, stream, subscribe, test, toDequeX, toEvalAlways, toEvalLater, toEvalNow, toFeatureToggle, toFutureStream, toFutureStream, toIor, toLazyImmutable, toList, toListX, toMaybe, toMutable, toPBagX, toPOrderedSetX, toPQueueX, toPSetX, toPStackX, toPVectorX, toQueueX, toSetX, toSimpleReact, toSimpleReact, toSortedSetX, toTry, toTry, toTry, toXor, toXor, unapply
endsWith, endsWithIterable, findAny, findFirst, firstValue, foldable, foldRight, foldRight, foldRight, foldRightMapToType, get, groupBy, join, join, join, mapReduce, print, print, printErr, printOut, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, schedule, scheduleFixedDelay, scheduleFixedRate, single, single, singleOptional, startsWith, startsWithIterable, toConcurrentLazyCollection, toConcurrentLazyStreamable, toLazyCollection, validate, xMatch
collect, fromSupplier, get, isPresent, orElse, orElseGet, orElseThrow, toAtomicReference, toCompletableFuture, toCompletableFutureAsync, toCompletableFutureAsync, toFutureW, toFutureWAsync, toFutureWAsync, toOptional, toOptionalAtomicReference, toStream, visit
and, isEqual, negate, or
Value<Integer> value = ()->10;
ListX<Integer> list = value.toListX();
ValueSubscriber<Integer> subscriber = ValueSubscriber.subscriber();
CompletableFutureTValue, Eval.Module.Always, Eval.Module.Later, EvalTValue, FeatureToggle.Disabled, FeatureToggle.Enabled, FutureW, FutureWTValue, Ior.Both, Ior.Primary, Ior.Secondary, LazyImmutable, Maybe.Just, Maybe.Lazy, Maybe.Nothing, MaybeTValue, Mutable, MutableBoolean, MutableByte, MutableChar, MutableDouble, MutableFloat, MutableInt, MutableLong, MutableShort, OptionalTValue, Try.Failure, Try.Success, TryTValue, Value.ValueImpl, ValueSubscriber, Xor.Primary, Xor.Secondary, XorTValue
oops - my bad