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cyclops monad api : flatMap on Optional returns a Stream (or flatMap from a single valued monad returning a multi valued monad)

johnmcclean-aol edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 2 revisions

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AnyM is an abstraction over any monad type, some monads such as CompletableFuture & Optional hold a single value (collections in this case are still treated as a single value) while others such as Stream and List can hold multiple values. In Cyclops the AnyM type follows the type of the underlying monad, that is

Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1,2,3);

corresponds to 

AnyM<Integer> anyM = AnyM.fromStream(stream);

Stream<Integer> corresponds to AnyM<Integer>


Optional<Integer> optional = Optional.of(1);

corresponds to 

AnyM<Integer> anyM = AnyM.fromStream(optional);

Optional<Integer> corresponds to AnyM<Integer>

Returning a Stream in the flatMap method of Optional requires either that we select only a single value from the Stream or change our return type on the flatMap. To see the required signature change


implies something like


rather than Optional<Integer>

As we can't change the signature, we simply select the first value from the Stream. In this regard we follow the same rules as Javaslang

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