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johnmcclean-aol edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 4 revisions

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Most recent version of cyclops-tuple is

compile group: '', name: 'cyclops-tuples', version: '7.2.3'
screen shot 2016-02-22 at 8 44 42 pm

Power Tuples

  1. Wrap any Tuple type / Object (mapping fields to elements and back)
  2. Method call chaining support
  3. Asyncrhonous method call chaining support
  4. Inheritance relationship between Tuples
  5. Lazy and Strict map methods
  6. Lazy reordering
  7. Pattern matching
  8. For comprehensions
  9. Useful utility methods (asStreamOfStrings, asTwoNumbers etc)
  10. Concatonation
  11. LazySwap (reverse)
  12. Memoization
  13. asCollector
  14. asReducer

Entry Point

Has static creational methods for PTuples1..8 as well as Tuple Concatenation and Lazily Swapping (reversing) values.


 lazySwap(PowerTuples.tuple(1, 2, 3))

Wrap any Tuple type

Convert from Tuple (or Object)

public void cons(){
	Three three = new Three(1,"hello",new Date());
static class Three{
	int a;
	String b;
	Date c;

Convert to Tuple (or Object)

static class TwoParams{
	int num;
	String value;

TwoParams p  = PowerTuples.tuple(10,"hello").convert().to(TwoParams.class);

Method call chaining

With filtering


Async method chaining


Conversion to Streams

Tuples can also be converted to flattened or unflattened Stream of Streams. asStreams will attempt to create a Stream from each element (via Collection::stream for example). BufferedReaders, Files, URLs, Arrays, Collections, CharSequences will all be turned into Streams.


A tuple of Collectors can be coerced to a single Collector

e.g. Collecting as a List and Set simultaneously

   PTuple2<Set<Integer>,List<Integer>> res = Stream.of(1, 2, 2)

See rich set of Collectors here


Convert a tuple into a single Monoid (or Reducer) that can perform multiple reduce operations on a single Stream.

   Monoid<Integer> sum = Monoid.of(0,(a,b)->a+b);
   Monoid<Integer> mult = Monoid.of(1,(a,b)->a*b);
   val result = tuple(sum,mult).<PTuple2<Integer,Integer>>asReducer()

Or alternatively

  Monoid<Integer> sum = Monoid.of(0,(a,b)->a+b);
  Monoid<Integer> mult = Monoid.of(1,(a,b)->a*b);
  val result = tuple(sum,mult).<PTuple2<Integer,Integer>>asReducer()

Pattern Matching

String result = PowerTuples.tuple(1,2,3).matchValues(c -> cases(c)   );

private <I,T> _MembersMatchBuilder<Object, T> cases(_MembersMatchBuilder<I, T> c) {
	return c.with(1,2,3).then(i->"hello")

Result is "hello"

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