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Merbin J Anselm edited this page Feb 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

##1. Why does Torchie needs permission to read my credit card number, passwords etc.?

Permission to read?

Torchie needs permission to listen to volume key presses (only). Unfortunately, Android system considers every key press, be it a volume key, keys in your hardware keyboard only (not the software keyboard) or any other physical key to have same permission level. More info in Android Reference docs

Torchie NEITHER OBSERVES any text you type NOR DOES OBSERVE ANY ACTION you do! Android system throws a Warning that Torchie can observe your texts and actions. It’s Android’s bug in showing the permission to all the users, even if they don’t have a hardware keyboard for typing! Read below to understand what it is.

When you press a volume key or a character in HARDWARE keyboard (only), Android considers it as a ‘key press’.

Android document clearly mentions:

“…the default software keyboard will never send any key event to any application 
targeting Jelly Bean or later, and will only send events for some presses of the 
delete and return keys to applications targeting Ice Cream Sandwich or earlier. 
Be aware that other software input methods may never send key events regardless 
of the version…”

Android Developer Docs

Read Android docs here:

Source code is available. You may dig through it! 😺

##Why does Torchie needs to access my Camera? Camera permissions are needed for Android versions < 6.0, because Flash is a part of Camera device. Torchie needs access to camera hardware to turn on/off flash (for Android versions < 6.0). However this permissions appear for all phones irrespective of Android version because, Torchie is a single APK file for all Android devices.

##Will the Torchie functionality be implemented for Power Button? No. Android suggests not to capture Power Button presses because power button has greater responsibility than all hardware buttons in an Android phone. Torchie was designed to make the experience intuitive while conforming with Android user-experience standards.

##Will the Torchie functionality be implemented for single Volume Button? Yes. In the future.

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