Anji Babu Kapakayala
IIT Kanpur, India.
Report Bugs:
Laungauge: Shell/Bash
- Download the executable rbin
- Change the permissions (chmod 777 rbin)
- Move to /usr/bin
- rbin -h [ for details ]
RBIN is a software which acts as a RECYCLEBIN" to delete and restore the files in Linux.
Restores the file/directory to its original location.And gives flexibility to user to ON
autodeletion feature which deletes the files perminantly for those deletion date is more
than 30 days.
rbin ---> main excutable and deletes given files
rbin -d/--del ---> Deletes the files or Directories
rbin -r/--restore ---> Restores the given files.
rbin -e/--emptybin ---> Will empty the recyclebin
rbin -s/--SetAutoclean ---> Options: on , off, Period_of_days to clean the bin
rbin -h/--help ---> Prints the information about rbin.
rbin -f/--force ---> Removes the given files permenantly.
rbin -v/--version ---> Prints the current version of the program.
rbin -l/--list ---> Lists the files in recycle-bin along with their Age
from the time of delition.
/home/user/recyclebin ---> Place to store the deleted files
/home/user/recyclebin/.log ---> Writes output of Auto cleaning feature
/home/user/recyclebin/.cache ---> Contains the information about deleted files
(date of deletion & original location)
rbin * ---> Deletes all files from current directory.
rbin -r * ---> Restores all files from recyclebin.
rbin -f * ---> Removes all files perminantly from current directory.
rbin file1 ---> Deletes the file1
rbin -r file1 ---> Restore the file1
rbin -e ---> Makes recyclebin empty.
rbin anji_* ---> Deletes all files starts with anji_
Works well with wildcards like, *, file_*
Anji Babu Kapakayala