The following diagram shows the workflow of Uniswap v4 contracts:
Similar to Uniswap v2/v3, Uniswap v4 contracts are also divided into two repositories:
v4-core [Github]: Contains the core contracts of Uniswap v4, mainly including:
- PoolManager.sol: Singleton contract that manages all Uniswap v4 pools, providing all external interfaces for pools, including creation, liquidity modification, swap, etc.
- Library contracts:
- Pool.sol: Pool Library contract, used to execute specific operations for each pool, such as liquidity modification, swap, etc.
- Position.sol: Position Library contract, used to execute specific operations related to each position, such as modifying liquidity and fees.
- Hooks.sol: Hooks Library contract, used to execute the Hooks functions of Uniswap v4 contracts.
- CurrencyDelta.sol: CurrencyDelta Library contract, used to execute operations related to Flash Accounting.
- BalanceDelta.sol:BalanceDelta defines the type of balance delta.
v4-periphery [Github]: Contains the peripheral contracts of Uniswap v4, mainly including:
- PositionManager.sol: PositionManager contract, used to manage the minting, burning, and liquidity modification of positions, calling PoolManager to execute specific operations.
- External contracts operate positions through the PositionManager contract, rather than directly calling the v4-core PoolManager contract.
- Supports combining multiple operations into a single transaction, ensuring atomicity of transactions and reducing gas consumption.
- V4Router.sol: V4Router contract, used to execute trading operations, calling PoolManager to execute specific trading operations.
- Supports single-hop and multi-hop trading.
- Supports specifying the exact input or output token amount.
- PositionManager.sol: PositionManager contract, used to manage the minting, burning, and liquidity modification of positions, calling PoolManager to execute specific operations.