The State
struct defines the position information held by the user, including:
: The amount of liquidity held by the userfeeGrowthInside0LastX128
: The fee growth rate when the user holds liquidityfeeGrowthInside1LastX128
: The fee growth rate when the user holds liquidity
// info stored for each user's position
struct State {
// the amount of liquidity owned by this position
uint128 liquidity;
// fee growth per unit of liquidity as of the last update to liquidity or fees owed
uint256 feeGrowthInside0LastX128;
uint256 feeGrowthInside1LastX128;
Get the user's position information. Calculate positionKey
, then return position
. The position is uniquely determined by owner
, tickLower
, tickUpper
, and salt
/// @notice Returns the State struct of a position, given an owner and position boundaries
/// @param self The mapping containing all user positions
/// @param owner The address of the position owner
/// @param tickLower The lower tick boundary of the position
/// @param tickUpper The upper tick boundary of the position
/// @param salt A unique value to differentiate between multiple positions in the same range
/// @return position The position info struct of the given owners' position
function get(mapping(bytes32 => State) storage self, address owner, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper, bytes32 salt)
returns (State storage position)
bytes32 positionKey = calculatePositionKey(owner, tickLower, tickUpper, salt);
position = self[positionKey];
Calculate the position key.
Input owner
, tickLower
, tickUpper
, and salt
, and return positionKey
. The positionKey
is calculated as keccak256(abi.encodePacked(owner, tickLower, tickUpper, salt))
/// @notice A helper function to calculate the position key
/// @param owner The address of the position owner
/// @param tickLower the lower tick boundary of the position
/// @param tickUpper the upper tick boundary of the position
/// @param salt A unique value to differentiate between multiple positions in the same range, by the same owner. Passed in by the caller.
function calculatePositionKey(address owner, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper, bytes32 salt)
returns (bytes32 positionKey)
// positionKey = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(owner, tickLower, tickUpper, salt))
assembly ("memory-safe") {
let fmp := mload(0x40)
mstore(add(fmp, 0x26), salt) // [0x26, 0x46)
mstore(add(fmp, 0x06), tickUpper) // [0x23, 0x26)
mstore(add(fmp, 0x03), tickLower) // [0x20, 0x23)
mstore(fmp, owner) // [0x0c, 0x20)
positionKey := keccak256(add(fmp, 0x0c), 0x3a) // len is 58 bytes
// now clean the memory we used
mstore(add(fmp, 0x40), 0) // fmp+0x40 held salt
mstore(add(fmp, 0x20), 0) // fmp+0x20 held tickLower, tickUpper, salt
mstore(fmp, 0) // fmp held owner
mstore(p, v)
is used to store v
at memory address p
, with a length of 32 bytes. Since owner
is 20 bytes, tickLower
and tickUpper
are 3 bytes, and salt
is 32 bytes, they need to be stored at different memory addresses.
is the Free Memory Pointer, a special pointer in Solidity memory management, stored at address 0x40
, used to record the current available memory address. By default, fmp
points to 0x80
Assuming fmp
starts from 0x00
, the memory layout of several variables is as follows:
Since mstore
stores 32 bytes each time, if the variable length is less than 32 bytes, it will be automatically padded with 0. Therefore, salt
needs to be stored first, and owner
Update the position's liquidity and fees.
/// @notice Credits accumulated fees to a user's position
/// @param self The individual position to update
/// @param liquidityDelta The change in pool liquidity as a result of the position update
/// @param feeGrowthInside0X128 The all-time fee growth in currency0, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
/// @param feeGrowthInside1X128 The all-time fee growth in currency1, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
/// @return feesOwed0 The amount of currency0 owed to the position owner
/// @return feesOwed1 The amount of currency1 owed to the position owner
function update(
State storage self,
int128 liquidityDelta,
uint256 feeGrowthInside0X128,
uint256 feeGrowthInside1X128
) internal returns (uint256 feesOwed0, uint256 feesOwed1) {
uint128 liquidity = self.liquidity;
if (liquidityDelta == 0) {
// disallow pokes for 0 liquidity positions
if (liquidity == 0) CannotUpdateEmptyPosition.selector.revertWith();
} else {
self.liquidity = LiquidityMath.addDelta(liquidity, liquidityDelta);
// calculate accumulated fees. overflow in the subtraction of fee growth is expected
unchecked {
feesOwed0 =
FullMath.mulDiv(feeGrowthInside0X128 - self.feeGrowthInside0LastX128, liquidity, FixedPoint128.Q128);
feesOwed1 =
FullMath.mulDiv(feeGrowthInside1X128 - self.feeGrowthInside1LastX128, liquidity, FixedPoint128.Q128);
// update the position
self.feeGrowthInside0LastX128 = feeGrowthInside0X128;
self.feeGrowthInside1LastX128 = feeGrowthInside1X128;
is the change in liquidity, positive for adding liquidity, negative for removing liquidity.feeGrowthInside0X128 - self.feeGrowthInside0LastX128
calculates the fee growth oftoken0
per unit of liquidity, and calculates the fees to be earned based on the liquidity held by the position.feeGrowthInside1X128 - self.feeGrowthInside1LastX128
calculates the fee growth oftoken1
per unit of liquidity, and calculates the fees to be earned based on the liquidity held by the position.