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Motor control

Yoshua Nava edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 7 revisions

Basic setup

Motor used

For this project we are using a DCX16S GB KL 12V DC motor, ENX16 EASY Absolute SSI encoder, and GPX16 A 21:1 gearbox, all of them made by Maxon motor.

Electronic Speed Control (ESC)

We are using a FingerTech Robotics TinyESC v2.4 (specifications), a bi-directional brushed motor controller that can take battery voltage from 6.5 to 36 volts, and output a continuous current of 1.5A (3.0A peak). It includes undervoltage, overcurrent backwards polarity, and a BEC (battery eliminator circuit) protection.

The tinyESC is equipped with a 2-pin calibration connector, a 3-pin JST connector for your SIG, 5V, and GND lines to access a receiver, two bare lead wires for M1 and M2 to connect to your motor, and another set of two bare lead wires for Batt and GND to connect to a battery.


The motor that makes the Hokuyo LIDAR spin around its axis is controlled by a Teensy 3.2 board, with a 72MHz ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller.

Programming environment setup

In order to program the Teensy, you need to download the Arduino IDE, and the Teensyduino add-on.

Then, you'll need to add your Linux user to the dialout group, by running the following command:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Next, copy the udev rules of the Teensy, so that you can always have read/write permissions on the serial port it gets assigned when you plug it in:

cd $DD2465_WS/src/spinning_lidar/spinning_lidar_motor_control/
sudo cp 49-teensy-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

Configuration of rosserial-arduino

NOTE: Before proceeding make sure that you have followed the procedure described in the Installation section.

Before uploading the code into the Teensy you'll need to build locally the rosserial_arduino dependencies. This is because we have some custom ROS messages and services for manipulating the motor remotely.

Run the following commands to build the required dependencies:

cd ~/Arduino/libraries/
rm -r ros_lib/
rosrun rosserial_arduino .

If everything went well, you should be able to scroll up, and see the following message printed:

Exporting spinning_lidar_motor_control



Teensy motor control code

The Arduino files are located in spinning_lidar_motor_control/teensy_motor_control/.

The main file is teensy_motor_control.ino, and it has two headers:

  • motor_control.h: this is where all the code related to motor control is stored (PINs setup, encoders and PID)
  • ros_comm.h: this is where all the ROS-related code is stored (node handler, publishers and services).

ROS motor control interfaces

Teensy serial interface node

To send command to the motor and read its state, this node has to be running. To launch it, run:

roslaunch spinning_lidar_launch motor_control.launch

Motor state topic

From the Teensy we publish a topic /spinning_lidar/motor_state that contains the current angle and velocity of the sensor, the desired speed, and if the motor is stopped or not.

  seq: 107
    secs: 1512996391
    nsecs: 184720022
  frame_id: "/laser_axis"
stopped: True
curr_angle: 0.0
offset_angle: 0.0
curr_vel: 0.0
des_vel: 2.35619449615

Motor on/off service

The service /spinning_lidar/turn_motor_onoff can be called to start/stop the motor.


rosservice call /spinning_lidar/turn_motor_onoff "stopped: false"

Velocity change service

The service /spinning_lidar/change_motor_vel can be called to start/stop the motor and change the desired velocity.


rosservice call /spinning_lidar/change_motor_vel "stopped: false
rot_vel: 3.00"