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Un.titled edited this page Jun 15, 2023 · 3 revisions

Elevator pitch

  • Syd D10 Upstream is a full D10 install for Pantheon, providing a complete Drupal setup & basic config to reduce time spent doing repetitive install & setup tasks common to all D10 sites
  • It includes a comprehensive set of modules alongside a default admin theme (Adminimal) & base theme


  • Removal of unnecessary default Drupal modules & settings
  • Composer Workflow
  • Media Entities
  • Rebuild cache access for clients
  • PHPCS running on module installation
  • Removal of default content types, leaving page and homepage.
  • Creation of standard content toolkit entities (more info)
  • Text formats / WYSIWYG setup & config
  • Editor, Super Editor & Administrator roles setup & given basic permissions
  • Default node path structure setup
  • Basic user account settings configured
  • Time/date settings configured
  • XML sitemap installed & configured
  • Default Drupal admin paths changed for security (from /user to /member)
  • Default admin theme setup & configured (Adminimal)
  • Unnecessary Drupal blocks removed
  • Common contrib modules installed
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