Repository for the entire CV pipeline for Photon and Caffeine for the 2021-2022 competition season.
The pipeline contains plug and play modules that are used based on competition guidelines. The full pipeline is highlighted as follows
Conform to the PEP8 style-guide here.
Please start thinking about wrapping your line when you get to around 80 characters.
Format using Black. The installation instructions can be found here
(from old project)
- Python 3.9
- Git
Note: This instruction document assumes a Windows OS. Commands may vary on your OS. Google your equivalent commands if you are using another OS
Type the commands
python --version
git --version
To confirm you meet the requirements. If you do not, see and for instructions for installation/upgrading.
Open your computer's command prompt. Navigate to the directory you wish to clone the repo using the command, and clone the repo using the following lines
cd /path/to/repository
git clone
You should see the repository in your file system now.
The main branch of this repo contains a requirements.txt file for easily installing dependencies. Run the following commands to set up your virtual environment
cd /path/to/repository
python -m venv venv
Activate the venv by running the
At this point, your command terminal should show
(venv) /path/to/repository>
where the (venv) indicates that your virtual environment is running.
If you do not see this, don't continue. To install the required packages, run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Confirm the packages were successfully installed using
pip list
It's good practice, and required for this subsection, to not work directly on the main branch. This ensures that everyone working on the project has stable code to work off of while they develop. To create your own branch, run the following commands
cd /path/to/repository
git checkout -b new_branch_name
Confirm you have move to this new branch by running
git branch
To push this branch to the github the first time, use
git push --set-upstream origin branch_name
and all future times just use
git push
You can see all branches at anytime by using git branch
and switch branches using git checkout branch_name
Now your system is set up! If you are new to using git, please work through the team's github tutorial to learn how to use the software, if not, start coding!