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For Sale System

Kalan Brock edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 2 revisions

The For Sale system allows players to sell not only items they are wearing while afk, but also let's players sell items that are locked down in their homes while they are away!

Selling an Item

Use the command [forsale, and target the item you wish to sell. You will get a gump that allows you to type in the gold price you wish for the item. Now, you can lock the item down, wear it, etc and other players passing by can purchase the item without you there.

Remove the For Sale Flag

If you no longer wish to sell your item, use the command [notforsale and target it.

Purchasing an Item Marked For Sale

Use the [purchase command and target the item you wish to purchase. Once confirmed, the gold will be taken from you and given to the owner of the item, and the item will be transferred to your backpack. After purchase, the item will no longer be marked for sale.

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