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Kalan Brock edited this page Jan 10, 2023 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Ultima Eclipse Wiki!



Eclipse is a free to play, non-pvp, private Ultima Online game server that is loaded with custom features.

We feature over 100 million custom artifacts, thousands of custom mobs, champs, peerless and tamables - and that's barely scratching the surface.

Build your own city with our Instanced Real Estate system, tackle some of the hundreds of achievements available, defeat dungeon bosses, participate in daily events and auctions - or choose your own path!

Your First Character Starts With

  • Eclipse Ethereal Mount w/ 9 Unlocked Body Types (Over 70 ethy types available!)
  • All Skills GM
  • 100 Each Stat
  • Personal Bless Deed
  • Account Runebook (Travel Tool)
  • Full Spellbooks
  • Starter LRC Suit
  • Drop No Items On Death +2 Days
  • Automatic Resurrection +2 Days

Our easy to use game launcher sets everything you need up, with three assistant options - including AssistUO, Razor and Razor Enhanced!

Ultima Eclipse Free Server Game Launcher

Landscape your own homes and cities with over 42,000 items available to use!

Ultima Online Eclipse Landscaping System

Start with all skills GM, and a free Eclipse Ethereal Mount with 9 body mods unlocked for free!

Free Ethereal Mounts In Ultima Online

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