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Releases: Tomshiii/ahk

v2.14.8 - Bugfix & QoL Update

27 Jun 10:58
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  • Fixed references/functions/filepaths that assumed v24.5 was going to be the Spectrum UI update


  • Fixed rbuttonPrem().movePlayhead() attempting to use PremiereRemote every use even if it's been determined to not be working correctly
  • Fixed settingsGUI() setting adobe beta values as 0/1 instead of true/false
  • Fixed generateAdobeShortcut() incorrectly generating After Effects Beta shortcut
  • winget.PremName() & winget.AEName() now accept parameter ttips to determine whether tooltips will display if the window titles cannot be determined
  • SD_Opt { now contains function checkCount() to ensure all currently available options have been set in the user's options.ini file
  • ytdlp().download() will now increment the filename if it already exists
  • useNVENC() will now properly detect nvidia gpus if the user has integrated graphics

switchTo {

  • AE()
    • Should now more reliably bring After Effects into focus
    • Will now focus Mocha if it exists

Prem {

  • Fixed getTimeline() not properly accounting for a different column size left of the timeline on the new Spectrum UI
  • swapChannels() will now work for 2 track files assuming you want all media channels to use the same stereo pair

startup {

  • Added startup.createShortcuts() to check if shortcuts have been generated
    • Added createShortcuts.ahk to help with this process or to allow the user to generate them manually (fixes New Premiere.ahk throwing in the event of no shortcuts)
  • Fixed current function tooltip from showing when the function variable is blank

Other Changes

  • Updated Notify.ahk now that text alignment is a native feature
  • Added vidPart.ahk & audPart.ahk to automate downloading specific timecodes of youtube videos
  • Added checkInstalls.ahk to check PremiereRemote files
  • Wrapped all uses of JSON.Parse() in try blocks to hopefully stop some instances of scripts locking up in the event that they don't retrieve the data they need
  • reencodeGUI() will now prompt the user asking if they'd like to attempt to force GPU rendering if it rudimentarily determines GPU rendering isn't available


  • Script attempting to restart playback within Premiere Pro after a save attempt can now be enabled/disabled within settingsGUI()
  • Making After Effects opaque should now be more reliable
  • Fixed script failing to fall back to alternate save method if PremiereRemote server is not functioning correctly

v2.14.7 - Hotfix

31 May 09:59
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  • Fixed startup.adobeVerOverride() failing to determine beta exe paths correctly & causing a boot loop
  • getLocalVer() now accepts parameter returnObj to determine whether to return the version number of a script as a string, or whether to return an object containing both the version number & the entire contents of the target script
    • startup.libUpdateCheck() now uses this function instead of repeating code
      • Fixes startup.libUpdateCheck() sometimes incorrectly determining version numbers
  • startup.libUpdateCheck() now uses Notify { in a few cases


  • Fixed the bottom checkboxes getting cut off
  • Fixed function throwing if the user attempts to open the Photoshop dropdown menu

v2.14.6 - Hotfix

25 May 04:18
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This update comes hot on the heels of Release v2.14.5 but I felt it necessary to rush this one out due to the nature of the bug below. It has likely been around for a couple of releases so didn't want to delay it any longer once I came across it today.
Make sure you also checkout the previous changelog to get a more comprehensive look at all of the recent changes to the repo!

  • Fixed a bug in startup.adobeVerOverride() that caused any subsequent startup scripts to no longer run
    • As a result this release also includes a bunch of third party lib updates


  • Removed prem.wordBackspace()
  • Added prem.swapChannels() by taking code from swapChannels.ahk

Other Changes

  • Added Notify.ahk by XMCQCX
    • autosave.ahk, premUIA_Values().__setNewVal() & prem.getTimeline() now use notify { instead of tool.Cust() for a cleaner user experience
    • startup.libUpdateCheck() currently checks against a fork I created but will be adjusted back to the main branch once it supports center aligning text

v2.14.5 - Initial Adobe Spectrum UI Support

24 May 08:11
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This release brings initial support for the new Premiere Pro & After Effects Spectrum UI currently being tested in the beta channels. Be aware that, as it is currently in beta, things may continue to change in the future as they lead up to its release in a few months. As such my scripts may lag behind in support as a result.

It should also be noted that while the current UI overhaul originated in the v24.5 betas, there is no guarantee that will be the version it launches in (colour label changes were initially in the premiere v24.3 beta but pushed to v24.4 for example, and the Premiere beta version has now moved to v24.6 since I started on this release), because of this, the user should be aware that the ImageSearch folders in ..\Support Files\ImageSearch\Premiere may not be completely accurate after this release and adobe may continue to change things which will cause issues with the ImageSearch folder structure if the UI changes happen at a different point.
I will of course release further updates to rectify any of this issues as they crop up but the user should be aware these fixes may be delayed and it might end up being faster to quicky fix them themselves.


It should be noted that in the current beta versions of Premiere Pro, adobe has removed the WinTitle from the "delete existing keyframes" window. This change completely breaks autodismiss error.ahk and unless adobe reverts this change, this script will no longer be able to function.


  • Fixed prem.preset() potentially throwing if it cannot determine the position of the caret
  • Removed ae.valuehold() & ae.preset()

rbuttonPrem {

  • Now supports both; The current UI colours, and the new Spectrum UI found in current beta builds
    • Timeline colour values have been taken out of this class and placed in their own class timelineColours { to tidy things up and add easier support for multiple UI versions
  • movePlayhead() now requires an additional parameter version to tell the function which version of Premiere is set within settingsGUI()
    • Now also takes additional parameter theme to use a different theme than the default darkest. However, doing so will require the user to add additional colour values to timelineColours { for their desired theme as I only maintain darkest. Feel free to pull request other themes back to the repo!
  • The sleep in the main while loop of movePlayhead() has been doubled to give premiere time to catch up from the sea of inputs it's receiving. The extra delay isn't visually percievable

prem {

  • prem.selectionTool() & prem.screenshot() now properly block user inputs when they're supposed to
  • Now stores UserSettings.premVer as currentSetVer so that rbuttonPrem().movePlayhead() can more easily use it as a parameter
  • Removed audioDrag()

Other Changes

  • Removed a lot of old Premiere & After Effects ImageSearch files that are no longer used in any functions
  • swap solo.ahk will now properly retrieve the coordinates of the timeline if the Main Script doesn't have them yet

v2.14.4 - Hotfix

12 May 01:37
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  • Fixed rbuttonPrem().movePlayhead() performing slowly under certain circumstances
  • Fixed slack.__expandingLoop() throwing

prem {

  • Fixed delayPlayback() setting its timer when the timeline wasn't the active window (which would make typing text a little difficult)
  • Previews() will now check to see if a save is necessary instead of always saving

Other Changes

  • render and replace.ahk will now check to see if a save is necessary instead of always saving

v12.14.3 - QoL & Hotfix

28 Apr 08:44
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  • Fixed run at startup checkbox in settingsGUI() throwing
  • Fixed ffmpeg().all_XtoY() passing too many paramaters to __determineFrameRate()
  • Added startup.updatePackages() to check for updates with the user's respective Package Manager


The code for this function (especially the portion that sends the command to actually update packages) is specifically designed for Chocolatey. While there are paramaters for the function to customise it for your package manager of choice, it may not function completey as intend. Feel free to open an issue/pr detailing as much as you can if you encounter any issues and rudimentary support for additional package managers may be considered (though not guaranteed)
Alternatively you can simply alter the code for your package manager of choice

  • premUIA_Values().__setNewVal() now prompts the user to reload scripts

prem {

  • numpadGain() should now move clips on the timeline less often
  • previews() (& render and replace.ahk) will now reattempt to send the hotkey once if the timeline was the originally focused panel
  • gain(), mousedrag() & screenshot() now all use UIA { when they need to focus the timeline
  • __uiaCtrlPos() now accepts parameter getActive to determine whether you wish for the function to retrieve the active panel or not


  • Now uses WinEvent to halt the function as soon as the main Premiere window is no longer active
  • Now focuses the timeline using UIA {
  • Now checks that the initially active sequence is still the active sequence when the function is finished


All of these changes should help in reducing the frequency of the function causing Premiere to cycle sequences (for example if the function was activated/active while the save dialog window appears, or if the user activated the function during an autosave.ahk save attempt)


  • Added getActiveSequence() & focusSequence()

Other Changes

  • Fixed screenshot streamdeck scripts failing to work if the timeline isn't the focused panel
  • Fixed some Not Editor.ahk scripts not firing under certain conditions
  • Added swap solo.ahk
  • Separated Premiere v24.3 ImageSearch images back into their own folder
    • It has come to my attention that at some point between v22.3.1 the track images have changed. Little things like this can go unnoticed for long periods of time unfortunately
  • ptf.MainScriptName is now tracked in settings.ini instead to remove some friction when installing new versions of the repo
    • This value will now automatically get set when using startup.generate() in a user's custom Main Script
  • Installation process will now replace previous PremiereRemote function files with updated versions if the user has PremiereRemote already installed
    • It will also backup the previous files in A_AppData "\Adobe\CEP\extensions\PremiereRemote\host\src\backup\"


  • Now checks the originally focused panel using UIA { and uses that to later determine if it needs to attempt to refocus the timeline
  • Now attempts to use UIA { to focus the timeline before falling back to previous methods


These changes should help in reducing the frequency of the function causing Premiere to cycle sequences if it attempts to refocus the timeline at the end of its save attempt

v2.14.2 - Rudimentary NVENC Support

13 Apr 03:20
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Support for NVENC across my scripts is not universal, only the main scripts get its addition. Some other scripts (ie. the crop scripts) will not be receiving these changes (at least in this release)

> Functions

  • Fixed startup.adobeTemp() failing to delete anything
  • Added Win32_VideoController() by jNizM to get information about the user's GPU
  • Added useNVENC() to rudimentarily determine whether the user can use NVENC encoding
  • Reverted winget.ProjPath() using PremiereRemote to retrieve the current project path as it causes the function to silently throw in the event that Premiere isn't currently responding

ffmpeg {

  • Fixed __getFrequency() not correctly determining the amount of audio tracks
  • reencode_h26x() now has rudimentary nvenc support
    • reencodeGUI will now also offer basic GPU rendering options

prem {

  • Fixed Previews() failing to make a save attempt if the user wasn't using PremiereRemote
  • Fixed zoomPreviewWindow() stopping the user from using !, @ or # while the project window was active or while interacting with a different GUI within Premiere (ie. naming a nested sequence)
  • Added saveAndFocusTimeline() to cut repeat code
    • render and replace.ahk now uses this code to lower the frequency of sequences being cycled

premUIA_Values {

  • Will now additionally set the project window
  • Will now alert the user if a value hasn't been set (ie. if they update the script without setting new values)

> Streamdeck AHK

  • lock scripts now allow the user to select a range of tracks to toggle by first pressing NumpadDiv
    • Each selection will either wait for two numbers to be pressed or for the user to press NumpadEnter between each selection

download scripts

  • Now include --verbose to give a more detailed output to the commandline
  • Now do a rudimentary check for NVENC and will render using it if available

> Other changes


  • Fixed script failing to make a save attempt if the user wasn't using PremiereRemote
  • Identified an occurrence of the script silently crashing in the background, causing ctrl + s to no longer work

v2.14.1.1 - Hotfix

03 Apr 08:19
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> Functions

startup {

  • updateChecker() now allows the user to select Skip this version during the update prompt to no longer recieve a GUI about that individual update
  • adobeVerOverride() will now attempt to set the correct Year version as long as there is only one version of Premiere Installed (not including the beta)


  • Fixed script indefinitely holding onto the playhead if the user quickly tapped RButton while the cursor was close to it
  • Revert addition of MouseHook { as it was causing additional issues

v2.14.1 - Hotfix

31 Mar 01:21
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While I wanted to hold back before issuing another release I believe the patch to premUIA_Values(false).__setNewVal() detailed below pushed me to issuing this release sooner than preferred.

> Functions

  • Fixed premUIA_Values(false).__setNewVal() failing to override values under certain circumstances

prem {

  • Previews() will now wait an extended period of time to better account for Premiere slow down in larger projects
  • __waitForTimeline() will now only check once per second in an attempt to stop it getting stuck in an extended loop


  • Will now only fire on a fresh start and not on a reload
  • Will reload all active scripts if it changes a value

> Other Changes

  • Fix extractAll.ahk missing an InStr parameter
  • Added MouseHook { by nperovic
    • Premiere_RightClick.ahk now uses MouseHook { to determine when LButton/XButton2 are pressed


v2.14 of this repo was a massive update and contains a lot of changes. Make sure you checkout the changelog for that version here!

v2.14.0.1 - Hotfix

28 Mar 07:46
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  • Fixed vidSelect.ahk no longer working
  • Fixed an incorrect assumption that Premiere v24.3 would include UI changes which resulted in a folder existing that shouldn't.


If the user has already installed Release v2.14 of this repo, and does not migrate to this version, they may encounter issues with a few scripts that search for the Proxy icon within Premiere. Other than that nothing else should be affected.


v2.14 of this repo was a massive update and contains a lot of changes. Make sure you checkout the changelog for that version here!