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Dennis Wittchen edited this page Jun 26, 2023 · 3 revisions


You can use your keyboard to control up to four actuators individually, in predefined groups, or all at once. For example, to control all actuators individually at maximum amplitude, use keys 1, 2, 3, or 4. To play vibrotactile patterns with different amplitudes, simply switch to the lower rows, e.g. Q, W, E, R, or T for 80% amplitude. We provide mappings for four different amplitudes, i.e. 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%.

Alternatively, you can use groups of two actuators or all actuators at once. As with single actuation, you can choose from four amplitudes (one per row).


Game Controller

Another possibility to control the actuators are game controllers. We provide three mappings that allow different levels of control.

Mapping A

This is the basic mapping that allows to trigger up to four actuators individually, either using the face buttons on the right or with the d-pad on the left side of the controller. The amplitude is set to 100% for this mapping and cannot be modified.

Press the left function button to start or stop recording your ideas. Once you finished recording, you can press the right function button to play back your vibrotactile pattern.


Mapping B

This mapping is an enhanced version of mapping-A, that utilizes the dynamic input from triggers and sticks. The face buttons, d-pad, and function buttons have the same functionality as mapping-A.

However, when you start pressing the face buttons or the d-pad, you won't feel any vibration. With this mapping, you need to specify the amplitude. To do so, press the left trigger while pressing face buttons (or d-pad). The deeper you press, the higher the amplitude of the vibration will be. This allows you to dynamically control the amplitude while playing a pattern.

If you prefer a fixed amplitude, you can hold the left shoulder button once you reached the desired amplitude. This will lock the amplitude as long as you keep the left shoulder button pressed.

Furthermore, you can select individual actuators using the two sticks or the right trigger. The left stick has a horizontal mapping, where you swipe through actuator 1 to 4 from left to right. Alternatively, the right stick provides a vertical mapping of actuator 1 to 4 from top to bottom. A third option to achieve the same is using the right trigger, where the deepest press is assigned to actuator 4.


Mapping C

This mapping provides the same dynamic inputs as mapping-B, i.e. sticks and triggers. Instead of assigning individual actuators to the face buttons and the d-pad, here you can activate groups of two actuators with a single button.


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