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Dennis Wittchen edited this page Jun 26, 2023 · 2 revisions

Graphical User Interface

We developed an application that is used to manage virtual, collaborative spaces (rooms), vibrotactile patterns, and input devices. On the left side, you can toggle recording and play back of vibrotactile patterns. All of your recordings will be listed below and are available for later playback. These patterns are also available to remote collaborators who joined the same room. You can also select and filter your favorite patterns.

The center of the screen visualizes the time profile of the most recent recorded (or selected) vibrotactile pattern. The gray bars represent the amplitude of individual actuators. Note, the maximum length of a pattern is set to 20 seconds.

Below the time profile, you see all connected input devices and their assigned mappings. If no game controller is connected via Bluetooth, you will only see the keyboard mapping.



In the top-left, you can see the name of the room that you joined. Click LOG OUT to switch to another room (or create a new one).


Tactile Displays

Click TACTILE DISPLAYS to manage CollabJam devices. Start scanning for available devices and select the one you want to connect to.


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