Pulls in radio stations, determines broadcast ranges, displays available stations nearest a location
Sources: US Database http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/fm-query-broadcast-station-search
Canadian Database http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/h_sf09484.html
References: http://publicradiomap.com/
Problem attempting to solve: I want to know what radio stations are nearby when I travel, spefically NPR or college radio
But really: Just want to make a cool visualization that could be useful to someone, too
- Grab station and frequency data given a location using above sources Can data give probable broadcast range or do we need to determine by algorithm? Yes? Cool. No? Find or create an algorithm that could take geological data into consideration including signal strength, interference, weather, and other factors that may affect range.
- Generate a list of all the stations in a given area
- Allow a user to input a certain station, ex. NPR, to find that station's frequency given their location
- Build controls that allow you to change station coverage based on time (if data is provided
- Colorize data by genre or commercial vs public
- Also.... find a visual library that would be able to display this stuff easily :>
- Node for backend? Probably. Research backbone and angular a bit