TurtleCoin-themed game where you have to go through a series of mazes in order to reach the treasure
Explore the mase and find the treasure!
Clone repo, and import project.godot
in the Godot game engine(<25MB, single file)
I don't manage the releases page as I make changes very often, so the best option is as follows.
Clone repo, import project.godot
in Godot game engine and press F5, or the play button in the top right.
Ping me @Sajo8#2953 on the TurtleCoin discord in #dev_gaming to discuss if you wanna give a hand :).
- Oiboo for all the art and helping me out in general!
- GT3000 for helping me get started
- Kenney for his amazing tilesets which I used as the background and walls
- Slow down for 10 seconds (maybe green apple)
- Super vision to increase Fov/lights up the whole map.
- minimizer, u can go through a 1-wide space
- Key to go through a locked door
Less certain:
- Enemies to fight
- Enemies which patrol the area which you need to avoid
These ones will probably be closer to the end, the treasure. Could be turtle marines, whose eternal duty is to protect the treasure or something.
no level passed
unless hi-score?
death counter
shooter traps
floor spikes that rise up fro grond
corridors that open n close
locked doors and find key
press a key at the right time for quick defense
minimap w/ explored areas r light
Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Those Who Fight Further (Full Mix)" by Khunclix
"Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero Mythos : 02 Departure" by SuperMega233
Whenever I make significant changes, I'll update this link to a gif of how the game currently looks.
Note: This gif thing is essentially useless now; I don't want to show you how to solve a level in a preview gif and I won't make them very long. Best way to assess it now is to just download and play the game.
July 15, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/VQigott.mp4
July 15, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/VQigott.mp4
July 15, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/tmF0XWv.mp4
July 13, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/IQBkAEZ.mp4
July 12, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/bZJg0HZ.gifv
July 12, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/EnvFiWt.gifv
July 11, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/OgPzvz0.gifv
July 11, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/ft1sMLg.gifv
July 9, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/pO0P0D6.gifv
July 3, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/dMh0zL3.gif
July 3, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/U3nPazf.gif
June 26, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/FZNQjJ1.gif
June 26, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/Nv4PjOg.gif
June 24, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/8sfFOak.gif
June 24, 2019 https://i.imgur.com/8fockzl.gif