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How Do I Know if My Proof Is Valid?

Ryan Reilly edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 3 revisions

Don't worry!

The computer already knows for you. Since Peirce My Heart is an interactive theorem prover, our application checks the validity of your AEG drawings and applied rules as soon as you attempt them.

Get proving, sport! May the Peirce be with you!

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About EGs and Peirce My Heart (For Users)

What Is an AEG? (Users, Start Here!)

What Are the Inference Rules for the AEG System?

How Do I Operate Peirce My Heart?

How Do I Know if My Proof Is Valid?

About Peirce My Heart's Internals (For Developers)

How Is Peirce My Heart Organized? (Devs, Start Here!)

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Misc (For Nerds)

Are There Other Kinds of Existential Graphs?

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