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How Can I Contribute?

Ryan R edited this page Apr 14, 2024 · 1 revision

If you are concerned about whether we share the same common sense due to the nerves that come around when contributing to open source software (it happens) check out the README and Code of Conduct on the main GitHub page.

Then, if you are interested in contributing code, check out our Issues and Pull requests tabs to see what is currently being worked on and what may suit your fancy to tackle.

Then, if you come across existing issues with the software, please follow the format generated by GitHub when you want to report an existing issue. It helps you organize your concern and it helps everyone else understand where they can help you understand what's going on.

The conventions for pull requesting so far are...

Create issue -> Create related branch -> Commit changes -> Create pull request with that one branch attached -> Merge branch -> Delete branch

Main Wiki Page

About EGs and Peirce My Heart (For Users)

What Is an AEG? (Users, Start Here!)

What Are the Inference Rules for the AEG System?

How Do I Operate Peirce My Heart?

How Do I Know if My Proof Is Valid?

About Peirce My Heart's Internals (For Developers)

How Is Peirce My Heart Organized? (Devs, Start Here!)

How Is the Source Code Organized?

How Are the Tests Organized?

How Can I Contribute?

Misc (For Nerds)

Are There Other Kinds of Existential Graphs?

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