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System API

Nico edited this page Mar 5, 2015 · 1 revision

This API is to shut down/sleep/wakeup your PC. Other keys from the USB docs are possible to send but should normally not work.

You are able to press only a single key at the same time.

#####System_(void) System_ class. An instance is created by default called System. Use System with every function, e.g.: System.begin();

#####void begin(void) Releases all button presses. This is needed at the beginning of a sketch in order to send a clean HID report. This is normally used in the setup() function.

#####void end(void) Has the same effect as begin().

#####void write(uint8_t s) Presses and releases a key. This is the main function you want to use with this API.

#####void press(uint8_t s) Pressed a key. Make sure to manually release it afterwards. This might be useful if you want to hold a button longer than just a short tick.

#####void release(void) Releases all keys, equal to releaseAll()

#####void releaseAll(void) Releases all keys, equal to end()


typedef union{
	// every usable system control key possible
	uint8_t whole8[];
	uint8_t key;
} HID_SystemControlReport_Data_t;

#####Key Definitions

#define SYSTEM_POWER_DOWN	0x81
#define SYSTEM_SLEEP	0x82
#define SYSTEM_WAKE_UP	0x83
