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Gamepad API

NicoHood edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 3 revisions

The Gamepad API supports 32 digital buttons, 4 16-bit axes (X, Y, RX, RY), 2 8-bit axes (Z, RZ) and 2 D-Pads/Hat switches.

As usual, there are both single- and multi-report versions of the API.

The single-report version supports up to 4 Gamepads, named Gamepad1, Gamepad2, Gamepad3 and Gamepad4. It will use 1 endpoint for each gamepad.

The multi-report version only suppors a single Gamepad, unsurprisingly named Gamepad.

All objects have the same API, which is straightforward:


  • void begin(void): Initialize the gamepad. It is very important to call this function first on any Arduino type as it will send an initial clean report to the host.
  • void end(void): Terminate the gamepad instance. After this function is called, the gamepad can no longer be controlled.
  • void write(void): Send the actual report to the host. This function must be called to make any change effective.

Digital Buttons

  • void press(uint8_t b): Press the bth button [1 .. 32]
  • void release(uint8_t b): Release the bth button [1 .. 32]
  • void releaseAll(void): Release all buttons
  • void buttons(uint32_t b): Set the state of all buttons at once


  • void xAxis(int16_t a): Set the value of the X axis [-32768 .. +32767]
  • void yAxis(int16_t a): Set the value of the Y axis [-32768 .. +32767]
  • void zAxis(int8_t a): Set the value of the Z axis [-128 .. +127]
  • void rxAxis(int16_t a): Set the value of the RX axis [-32768 .. +32767]
  • void ryAxis(int16_t a): Set the value of the RY axis [-32768 .. +32767]
  • void rzAxis(int8_t a): Set the value of the RZ axis [-128 .. + 127]

D-Pads/Hat Switches

  • void dPad1(int8_t d): Set the direction of the first D-Pad. d should be one of the following constants:
  • void dPad2(int8_t d): Set the direction of the second D-Pad, see above.

Please refer to the Gamepad example to see the API in action.