Releases: NickWaterton/openhab-addons
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v2.01
Openhab 4.3 release version, includes fix for power ON bug
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v2.0
New test release:
Fixes bug in channel number parsing
Adds new config option smartThingsSubscription to disable SmartThings subscription, and poll SmartThings instead (when TV is ON)
Adds new Switch channel artOrientation which is OFF for landscape and ON for Portrait
Adds new String config option orientationKey to define the long key press to send to trigger TV rotation (with optional Rotation mount). Default is KEY_MULTI_VIEW which is for 2023 and earlier TV's, should be set to KEY_HOME for 2024 mounts
samsungtv binding bug fix
This release fixes [samsungtv] Exception thrown when changing input source on legacy TV
For testing.
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v1.20
OpenHAB 4.2 and above release only!
This version re-introduces the art mode api for Samsung Frame TV's. Recently added back by Samsung in 2022+ TV's with firmware 1622
Previously, the art channels only worked on Frame TV's 2021 and earlier. Now the art channels work on all Frame TV's again.
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v1.19
Added certificate trust. Updated copywrite for 2024.
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v1.18
Added workaround for missing PowerState
value on series 7 TV's. minor changes to labeling as requested by OpenHab reviewers.
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v1.17
Added KEY_MULTI_VIEW, a long press of this key is used to switch Frame TV's from landscape to portrait and back, if you have the auto rotating mount.
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v1.16
Added automatic channels update for existing things
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v1.15
This release is for Openhab 4.0 and above. It will not work with Openhab 3.x
There are no functional changes from the Openhab 3.x version
samsungtv Binding (Beta) v1.14
This release (v1.14) fixes some bugs with the 2022 Frame TV.
Removed the Smartthings subscription power control, as it was proving difficult to handle.