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Performance Tuning

Angel Rey edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 1 revision

Django + JS Performance Tuning

Principles of performance tuning

  • optimize one thing at a time: memory, cpu, network size, latency, etc
  • optimize systems in isolation: break everything down into components and turn everything else off, optimize each component then build it back up
  • binary search for problematic components in big systems by commenting out large swaths of code
  • test & verify, don't optimize based on a hunch, test exactly how slow the system is before hand, make the change, and then test afterwards to verify the assumption
  • always go for low-hanging fruit first, don't waste 6 hours tuning a 2ms db query problem, when you can fix the 120ms of request latency first by adding a cache


Three major factors:

  • Request python timing
  • SQL query timing
  • Template rendering timing


  • cache timing (redis vs db) & what content is suitable to cache
  • nginx & cloudflare latency on top of daphne


Examples of existing performance tuning:

  • cached templates
  • moved start_tablebeat to async start_tablebeat powered by dramatiq
  • moved setup_socket() to return latest possible time to delay db query

Things that need the most work:

  • SQL query timing (everywhere) on /tables/ and /leaderboard/
  • socket & GET request latency (1/3 of which is cloudflare)


Three major factors:

  • Our Javascript timing (redux time, library code)
  • React rendering timing
  • Network request timing (Initial GET / HTML / JS bundle sizes & latency)


Examples of existing performance tuning:

  • Ugifyjs applied after compjs to bring JS bundle size <500kb gzipped
  • Blocking page resources are fairly few
  • first gamestate is sent with GET request, then updated by connected socket

Things that need the most work:

  • framerate/FPS
  • react rendering speed
  • redux-time animation computation speed
  • poker compute-animations causes dropped frames during RECV