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Common Tasks

Angel Rey edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 1 revision

Quickstart & Common Tasks (e.g. compiling JS):

There is a command oddslingers installed during the repo setup that we use to run all the local dev commands. The dev commands are defined in bin/, and can also be sourced directly into your fish shell for easier use if you don't want to preface them with oddslingers every time.

Make sure /opt/ is in your $PATH, otherwise you'll have to call ./bin/oddslingers using its full path.

# Make sure pip and npm dependencies are installed correctly from above
oddslingers help              # to see all available commands (defined in

oddslingers compjs home.js    # recompile js/pages/home.js using browserify
oddslingers watchjs home.js   # continuously recompile home.js changes using watchify
oddslingers buildcss
oddslingers watchcss

oddslingers tests             # Run all linters and tests
oddslingers lintjs            # Run eslint linter on core js javascript
oddslingers lintpy            # Run flake8 linter on core python
oddslingers testjs            # Run core JS tests
oddslingers testpy            # Run core [module] unit tests
oddslingers resetdb           # Empty and reset local db (DESTROYS all DATA!)

oddslingers deploy beta       # deploy current branch to beta server
oddslingers deploy prod       # deploy current branch to prod server

Server Tasks

For deploying and other tasks on our servers, see: Production Environment.