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Antonin Abhervé edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 1 revision



An ActivityParameterNode must have either all incoming or all outgoing ActivityEdges, but it must not have both.


An ActivityParameterNode must have either all incoming or all outgoing ActivityEdges, but it must not have both.

ActivityParameterNodes are object nodes at the beginning and end of flows that provide a means of accepting input to an Activity and providing outputs from the Activity, through the Activity parameters.


ActivityEdges should follow the passing mode of the BehaviorParameter represented by the ActivityParameterNode.

  • In the case of an “in” BehaviorParameter, the ActivityParameterNode should only have outgoing ActivityEdges.

  • In the case of an “out” BehaviorParameter, the ActivityParameterNode should only have incoming ActivityEdges.

  • In the case of an “inout” BehaviorParameter, two ActivityParameterNodes should be used:

    • one for the “in” aspect, with only outgoing ActivityEdges

    • one for the “out” aspect, with only incoming ActivityEdges

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