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Getting Started

Mark Weiman edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 2 revisions

Where to begin?

Use of this module requires an import of the flowtuple module. This is the only module requred to gain access to the libflowtuple library.

import flowtuple

How to get started using the module

The flowtuple module's starting point is to create a flowtuple.Handle object. An example on how to create one is:

handle = flowtuple.Handle("/path/to/flowtuple/data.gz")

Obtaining a record

When a flowtuple.Handle object is created and is not None, you can use the object's .get_next() function.

Here is where this module differs from libflowtuple itself. Instead of returning an intermediary record object to then grab the correct object from that, .get_next() returns the correct object type. This means that if the next record is a header, then you will get a flowtuple.Header from .get_next() and so on.

An example of how to loop through all records in a file is to create a loop similar to this:

record = handle.get_next()
while record is not None:
    record = handle.get_next()

Handling records

Here is an example of how you can determine the type of a record:

if isinstance(record, flowtuple.Header):
elif isinstance(record, flowtuple.Trailer):
elif isinstance(record, flowtuple.Interval):
elif isinstance(record, flowtuple.Class):
elif isinstance(record, flowtuple.Data):

Each one of those blocks can be used to address an individual type of record.

An example

Here is an example of a program that will take a flowtuple file and print the interval numbers and any source ports in the data records in the following format:

In file /path/to/file.gz:

Interval 1:

Interval 2:

from sys import argv
import flowtuple

handle = flowtuple.Handle(argv[1])

print("In file %s:" % (argv[1],))

is_start = True

record = handle.get_next()
while record is not None:
    if isinstance(record, flowtuple.Interval):
        if is_start:
            print("\nInterval %u:" % (record.number,))
            is_start = False
            is_start = True
    elif isinstance(record, flowtuple.Data):
        print("  %u" % (record.src_port,))

    record = handle.get_next()

More information

For more information on what classes are available and what their properties are, see Classes.

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