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Mark Weiman edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 2 revisions


python-flowtuple is a Python 3 module that grants access to the libflowtuple C library within Python.

This wiki is to help get familiar with python-flowtuple and how to use the module.


To build you will need Python 3.x (2.x or below will NOT work) and libflowtuple installed as well as git.

$ git clone
$ cd python-flowtuple
$ python3 build
# python3 install

Using the module

To use the module, you just need to import the flowtuple module in your program.

Example Code

Here is an example program to open a flowtuple file and get the interval times:

from sys import argv

# import flowtuple module
import flowtuple

# create flowtuple.Handle object
handle = flowtuple.Handle(argv[1])

print("Intervals in file %s:" % (argv[1],))

# tracker for whether interval is start or not
is_start = True

# get first record
record = handle.get_next()

# keep looping until record is None
while record is not None:
    # is this an Interval?
    if isinstance(record, flowtuple.Interval):
        # is this the start of an Interval?
        if is_start:
            print("Start: %s; " % (record.time,), end='')
            is_start = False
            print("End: %s" % (record.time,))
            is_start = True

    # get next record
    record = handle.get_next()

Example output from above program:

$ python3 flowtuple.gz
Intervals in file flowtuple.gz:
Start: 1539709003; End: 1539709062
Start: 1539709063; End: 1539709122
Start: 1539709123; End: 1539709182
Start: 1539709183; End: 1539709242
Start: 1539709243; End: 1539709302
Start: 1539709303; End: 1539709362
Start: 1539709363; End: 1539709422
Start: 1539709423; End: 1539709482
Start: 1539709483; End: 1539709542
Start: 1539709543; End: 1539709602
Start: 1539709603; End: 1539709662
Start: 1539709663; End: 1539709674

More information

Take a look at Getting Started for more more detailed information on how to use this module.

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