This is the Matlab code for absolute camera pose estimation from line correspondences using Branch-and-Bound.
Globally Optimal Camera Orientation Estimation from Line Correspondences by BnB algorith ->: DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2020.3037843
The framework is copying from "Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences using Direct Linear Transformation". Its url is:
The plot function aboxplot.m (Advanced Box Plot for Matlab) is from
We add our folder Ro_PnL, who has two functions: Ro_PnL and Ro_PnL_outlier.
try "Ro_PnL_test_outliers.m" and you will get a comparing result.
All code were tested in Matlab 2018a.
Date: 2020-01-01
Author: Yinlong.Liu AT