This repository contains the code for running the experiments for the following paper:
Ganzfried S , Sandholm T . Potential-aware imperfect-recall abstraction with earth mover's distance in imperfect-information games[C]// Twenty-eighth Aaai Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press, 2014.
This code is designed to:
- Implement an abstract method to significantly improve performance on no-limit Texas Hold'em.
- Apply and test the effect of this abstract method on the Deepstack algorithm.
- Python 3
- Pyemd
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Scikit-learn
- Matplotlib
generate data
python [OPTIONS]
- Options
Name, shorthand Default Range Description --street river river | turn | flop the round name --file_path data/ - the relative path for storing data -
Clustering data
·python [OPTIONS]
- Options
Name, shorthand Default Range Description --street river river | turn | flop the round name --file_path data/ - the relative path for storing data --k 5 Positive integer the number of clusters --initialMethod kmean++ kmeans++ | random initialize cluster center point method --ifsave True True | False whether to save the cluster center point -
Save the correspondence between the hand and the bucket
Visual clustering results
python [OPTIONS]
- Options
Name, shorthand Default Range Description --street river river | turn | flop the round name --mode test data | results | test plot data mode --ifsave True True | False whether to save the cluster center point -
data mode : Plot raw data distribution
results mode : Plot bucket data distribution
test mode :Plot both raw and bucket data distribution
Check the minimum cluster center point EMD distance
This is the first algorithm for computing potential-aware imperfect-recall abstractions, using EMD as the distance metric. Experiments on no-limit Texas Hold’em show that our algorithm leads to a statistically significant improvement in performance over the previously best abstraction algorithm.
If you want to know more details, please read this paper