You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 3
rg includeblock
Reset a block from being handled by the place and/or destroy flag in the Region.
/rg includeblock <block> <type>
While editing a Region you can reset a block from being handled by the place and/or the destroy flag. This mean that the result of one or both those flags with that block will be restored. So, for example, if the place flag is set to false you won't be able to place that block, if is true you will. The block parameter must be in the form of : (for example minecraft:grass), the type parameter must be PLACE, DESTROY or BOTH, to specify from wich flag you want to exclude a block (BOTH means is excluded from both the place and the destroy flag)
You must have the ALL permission to run this command
This command can be also run with
/region includeblock
UniverseGuard2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 by JimiIT92 (aka Minehendrix)
- /rg
- /rg save
- /rg name
- /rg flag
- /rg edit
- /rg delete
- /rg info
- /rg priority
- /rg setteleport
- /rg setspawn
- /rg tp
- /rg spawn
- /rg list
- /rg add
- /rg remove
- /rg help
- /rg gamemode
- /rg command
- /rg expand
- /rg here
- /rg reload
- /rg flaginfo
- /rg greeting
- /rg farewell
- /rg copy
- /rg at
- /rg set
- /rg create
- /rg effectadd
- /rg effectremove
- /rg setvalue
- /rg removevalue
- /rg buy
- /rg sell
- /rg excludeblock
- /rg includeblock
- /rg removefarewell
- /rg removegreeting
- /rg itemuse
- /rg globalfor
- /rg discard
- place
- destroy
- pvp
- expdrop
- itemdrop
- itempickup
- enderpearl
- sleep
- lighter
- chests
- trappedchests
- waterflow
- lavaflow
- otherliquidsflow
- leafdecay
- firespread
- potionsplash
- falldamage
- cantp
- canspawn
- hunger
- enderchests
- walldamage
- drown
- invincible
- cactusdamage
- firedamage
- endermangrief
- enderdragonblockdamage
- hidelocation
- hideflags
- hidemembers
- sendchat
- craftingtable
- enchantingtable
- itemframe
- armorstand
- anvil
- hopper
- lever
- button
- furnace
- minecart
- boat
- tnt
- creeper
- endercrystal
- fireball
- enderdragon
- icemelt
- vinesgrowth
- enter
- exit
- trample
- pistons
- shulkerboxes
- frostwalker
- fishingpole