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JimiIT92 edited this page Jun 17, 2018
5 revisions
A Region is an area of the world that has its own flags and its own properties. There are currently two types of Regions:
- Local Region: a Region bounded between two points. Is essentially a rectangle with its own flags and its own properties. Since is limited it has some unique properties that can be found in the Local Region page
- Global Region: a Region that defines flags and properties for an entire dimension. If at a location there isn't a Local Region, than the GlobalRegion will handle events in that point. Currently you can't define a Global Region in game since they are auto-generated once the server starts
All Regions are cached when the server start, meaning that every change you made to the JSON file on the server won't be visible in game until a server restart. However you can force the apply of these changes using the /rg reload command
Each Region, regardless of type, share some properties.
- id: the ID of this Region
- version: the version the Region has been created. Used fo updates
- type: the type of the Region
- name: the name of the Region. Used for the saved JSON file
- gamemode: the GameMode of the Region
- flags: the flags of the Region
- interacts: the interact flags of the Region
- vehicles: the vehicle flags of the Region
- explosions: the explosion flags of the Region
- mobs: the mob flags of the Region
- commands: the enabled or disabled commands of the Region
- _excluded_blocks (1.12.2 only): the list of blocks wiche the result of the flag and/or the destroy flag will be inverted
You can see how to set these properties by looking at the /rg flag command page
UniverseGuard2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 by JimiIT92 (aka Minehendrix)
- /rg
- /rg save
- /rg name
- /rg flag
- /rg edit
- /rg delete
- /rg info
- /rg priority
- /rg setteleport
- /rg setspawn
- /rg tp
- /rg spawn
- /rg list
- /rg add
- /rg remove
- /rg help
- /rg gamemode
- /rg command
- /rg expand
- /rg here
- /rg reload
- /rg flaginfo
- /rg greeting
- /rg farewell
- /rg copy
- /rg at
- /rg set
- /rg create
- /rg effectadd
- /rg effectremove
- /rg setvalue
- /rg removevalue
- /rg buy
- /rg sell
- /rg excludeblock
- /rg includeblock
- /rg removefarewell
- /rg removegreeting
- /rg itemuse
- /rg globalfor
- /rg discard
- place
- destroy
- pvp
- expdrop
- itemdrop
- itempickup
- enderpearl
- sleep
- lighter
- chests
- trappedchests
- waterflow
- lavaflow
- otherliquidsflow
- leafdecay
- firespread
- potionsplash
- falldamage
- cantp
- canspawn
- hunger
- enderchests
- walldamage
- drown
- invincible
- cactusdamage
- firedamage
- endermangrief
- enderdragonblockdamage
- hidelocation
- hideflags
- hidemembers
- sendchat
- craftingtable
- enchantingtable
- itemframe
- armorstand
- anvil
- hopper
- lever
- button
- furnace
- minecart
- boat
- tnt
- creeper
- endercrystal
- fireball
- enderdragon
- icemelt
- vinesgrowth
- enter
- exit
- trample
- pistons
- shulkerboxes
- frostwalker
- fishingpole