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Xabier Aramendi edited this page Oct 20, 2013 · 9 revisions


Orrialde itzulpenak: HOME (日本語) Почетна

Egitasmoari buruz

QupZilla is a new, fast and secure open-source WWW browser. QupZilla is licensed under GPL version 3 or (at your option) any later version.
This project has been started mainly for educational reasons to learn Qt/C++ basics.
From the basic idea of writing a simple web browser it grew up to an every day usable very fast web browser. Though it cannot be a full replacement for big browsers like Firefox (yet). However it can be, and surely is, a fast & small alternative to quickly browse the web.

QupZilla is developed and maintained by the project owner David Rosca <[email protected]> with help from other contributors, mainly in graphics and translations to foreign languages.


With every version, QupZilla is trying to include new features. Currently QupZilla implements all standard web browser features. In addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like

  • Very fast startup - QupZilla is ready to use at lightning speed
  • Very fast browsing - with QWebKit core, QupZilla renders pages in a moment
  • SSL Certificate Manager - never lets you visit pages with bad certificates without notification
  • Search Engines Manager - with OpenSearch support and suggestions
  • Browser Themes - with themes support, you can easily make your browser look unique!
  • Speed Dial - access your favourite pages easily
  • Windows 7 API - QupZilla is using Windows 7 TaskBar JumpLists and background blur
  • Cross Platform - supports for all major platforms and allows to use it everywhere
  • Extensions - AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, Mouse Gesture, Access Keys Navigation and more ...

Agindu lerro interfazea ere erabili dezakezu QupZilla-rekiko elkarrekintzarako.

Erabilpena: qupzilla [aukerak] URL

QupZilla aukerak:
  -h or --help                            irarkitu mezu hau 
  -a or --authors                         irarkitu QupZilla egileak 
  -v or --version                         irarkitu QupZilla bertsioa

  -p=PROFILE or --profile=PROFILE         hasi adierazitako profilarekin 
  -ne or --no-extensions                  hasi luzapenak gabe 

QupZilla hasiera agindu aukerak:
  -nt or --new-tab                        ireki hegats berria
  -nw or --new-window                     ireki leiho berria
  -pb or --private-browsing               hasi nabigazio pribatua
  -dm or --download-manager               erakutsi jeisketa kudeatzailea
  -ct=URL or --current-tab=URL            ireki URL-a oraingo hegatsan
  -ow=URL or --open-window=URL            ireki URL-a leiho berrian

 Adibidea: qupzilla
          QupZilla orrialdearekin abiaraziko du
          (edo hegats bat gehitu jadanik ekinean badago)

Esku Hartu

If you want to contribute to QupZilla in any way, feel free to contact me at [email protected] for information or just fork me :-)

At the moment, I will be happy to find someone who can:

  • gehitu itzulpen berriak (ikusi argibide gehiagorako)
  • gehitu azalgai berriak (ikusi argibide gehiagorako)
  • eta gehiago...

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